Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Politics & re-Education: Please make time and money for Birthing

Please provide more money for birthing practices and facilities, training and staffing

Education, Parents:
Please encourage your daughters to become nurses and midwives (and occasionally, Obstetricians too)

So that we may:
Train the existing staff and future ones to be better behaved towards laboring, birthing and new mothers.

and avoid incidences like these:

* Jururawat bertugas mengingatkan kami, sekiranya mereka meninggikan suara jangan anggap mereka kasar. Itu adalah prosedur biasa bagi membantu ibu bersalin.

“The nurse on duty reminded me that if they raise their voice, they are not being harsh. It is normal procedure to assist a mother to birth”

* Ketika hampir bersalin, jururawat masyarakat yang menyambut bayi kami bersikap kasar. Sudahlah tidak memaklumkan prosedur, terus menepuk paha isteri saya serta menengking isteri saya bagi mengeluarkan bayi.

“The community nurse that assisted us was very harsh. She didn’t inform us of the prosedur and slapped my wife’s thigh and yelled at my wife while she was birthing as a way to assist her”

* Selepas bersalin, isteri saya diarahkan memegang bayi dan memberi penyusuan pertama untuk bayi kami. Ini adalah pengalaman pertama isteri saya memegang serta menyusukan bayi. Janggal serta kekok bagi isteri saya. Jururawat bertugas memerli isteri saya dengan berkata, "Nak pegang baby pun tak betul, macam mana nak jadi mak?". 

“After the birth, my wife was holding our baby and was trying to breastfeed the very first time. This is our very first experience and my wife was rather unused to it. the nurse on duty said to my wife, “You can’t even hold your baby right, how are you going to be a mother?”

full article (In Malay): http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2011&dt=0413&sec=Forum&pg=fo_03.htm#ixzz2h9ozCgVv

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