(Ulasan saya berwarna biru)
- surgical birth: kelahiran melalui pembedahan
- footling breech: apabila kaki janin berasa di pintu rahim, samada satu kaki atau kedua-dua nya dan punggung lebih tinggi dari kaki. sila rujuk gambar untuk contoh
- Javern: nama bayi Jean Chuah
- asap: as soon as possible
- rooming-in: bayi yang baru lahir di letakkan dalam bilik bersama ibu nya dan bukan di letakkan di nurseri/bilik bayi
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http://www.natural-pregnancy-mentor.com/a-cord-prolapse.html (salah satu contoh FOOTLING BREECH) |
Jean Chuah commented:
For my case, I reminded myself that this birth is baby's birthday. Cesarean or not, I will make sure mummy and baby get the best that we can out of a *surgical birth. I saw that we needed to do a cesarean sec due to footling breech, but I still can do alot of things to make it a nicer world for baby's first day in this world. Here's how:
1. Allowed birth to trigger naturally. It will release beautiful hormones called oxitocyn which will transfer to my baby. Also, it ensures that my baby is really “full term” and ready to come out. (My doctor persuaded me to do an elective c-sec at 37 weeks, but I wanted birth to trigger naturally so I asked for an elective c-sec at week 39 just to buy time. In the end, baby knows best... Javern decided that he is ready to come out at week 38, and I was happy that I experienced contractions and labour sensations before going for c-sec)
Ulasan: walaupun dia membuat pilihan untuk melalui c-section, tetapi dia memilih agar c-section di lakukan SELEPAS kontraksi BERMULA SENDIRI kerana selain dari footling breech, kehamilan Jean tidak ada memberi sebab medikal untuk dia di bedah lebih awal mahupun di "induce". Sila semak artikel ini dari Lamaze.org mengenai mengenal pasti sebab keperluan induce atau tidak
1. I talked to baby and tell him that doctor will do a surgery to bring him out. Baby can hear and understand. Also, I requested to listen to relaxation music in the OT. These familiar relaxation music will bring calmness to me and baby.
Ulasan: Dalam buku The Birth Book, Dr. William Sears dan isterinya R.N Martha Sears turut menasihati ibu2 agar membuat persediaan untuk memasuki bilik OT, sebabnya OT sangat sejuk dan jarang sekali ibu2 berasa selesa di dalam nya mahupun di endahkan oleh staff atau doktor ketika di dalam OT. Oleh itu di sini Jean telah membuat pilihan membuat request agar dia dapat berasa di tenangkan oleh music
2. When he is out I made sure that hubby follow the baby to the nursery and spend time with him, while I need to spend 1 hour in the recovery room after OT. My baby is new to this world ...imagine you were in a warm and secure place but suddenly come out into a whole new world. I told my hubby that he need to be there with baby, I am ok to be alone in the recovery room. I am an adult who knows how to comfort myself but my baby is new to everything.
Ulasan: Sebabnya Jean pilih agar suami nya menemani bayi nya dan bukan diri nya adalah kerana perbezaan antara kelahiran normal dan kelahiran c-section: dalam kelahiran c-section, ibu tersebut tidak dapat mendakap bayi nya serta merta mahupun menyusui nya. Oleh itu memadai jika ayah dapat berbuat begitu (mendakap jika bayi nangis) sementara ibu berehat sebentar sehingga dia cukup segar untuk mendakap dan menyusui bayi nya dengan bantuan
3. Another thing is that I requested is for vaccinations to be given the day after. If baby is healthy it is ok to wait one more day. He has been through alot on his first day.
Ulasan: 'Vaccinations' atau apa2 injection untuk bayi di pilih untuk di tangguhkan.
4. I requested them not to bathe the baby on the first day. I wanted baby's skin to absorb the nutrients from all the natural liquid covering him.
5. Unless there is a need, I requested NO eye ointment on baby to encourage optimal eye-to-eye bonding
Ulasan: Amalan ini (ubat mata dalam mata bayi baru lahir) tidak secara general di amalkan di semua hospital di Malaysia.
6. If baby is normal and breathing normally, no slapping the baby to make him cry for APGAR score
Ulasan: Ada sesetengah hospital mengamalkan 'memukul' bayi yang lahir sehingga menangis. Ini TIDAK WAJIB, terutama nya jika bayi sudah bernafas dengan baik.
7. Ask to bf asap when I reach the room. My thoughts were only focused on the baby. Some nurses asked me to rest but I understand my body well, I am still strong and I will only be happy when I attend to my baby's needs.
Ulasan: Ini lah antara KELEBIHAN membiarkan proses kelahiran bermula dengan sendiri nya (walaupun di bedah), iaitu inshaallah selepas pembedahan, badan anda telah merembeskan hormon yang menyebabkan anda berasa segar, oleh itu selepas berehat sebentar anda mampu menyusui anak dengan sedikit bantuan. Penafian: Walaubagaimana pun, kesan ini kadang kala bergantung pada badan wanita masing-masing dan bagaimana ibu tersebut telah mengendali kontraksi nya. Maklumat bagaimana untuk mengendali kontraksi dengan baik boleh di dapati dengan menimba ilmu di kelas persediaan melahirkan atau buku-buku gentle/natural birth. Untuk links kelas di malaysia, sila ke page Natural/Gentle birth di bahagian atas blog.
8. Baby room-in at all times. Even when he hv jaundice, I requested for the machine to be put beside my bed.
Ulasan: Konsep 'rooming-in' sepatutnya di amalkan oleh semua hospital kerajaan kerana mereka adalah 'hospital rakan bayi'. Tetapi tidak semua mengamalkan nya. Dan hospital swasta pula, tidak semua mengamalkan rooming-in; anda perlu membuat permintaan (request) kerana ia hak anda: bayi anda. Dan bayi sebenarnya akan lebih kurang menangis jika ia dekat dengan ibu nya. Sila semak artikel ini mengenai rooming-in dari Lamaze.org
9. Oh yeah, please get informed about the surgery procedures for c-sec. They wanted to put the catherer inside me BEFORE epidural (for medical staff's convenience), and I insisted NO you only put it inside me AFTER epidural. Heck I am prepared to experience pain only if there is a reason for the pain. There is no reason for them to put in a catherer inside BEFORE epidural, other than for their own procedural convenience.
Ulasan: Badan anda adalah hak ANDA. Anda BERHAK meminta penerangan yang teliti mengenai prosedur pembedahan. Anda BERHAK mengutamakan diri anda seperti yang di contohkan oleh Jean di sini, pihak hospital mahu meletakkan catherer sebelum dia di beri epidural (lalu dia akan merasa sakit) kerana itu lebih memudahkan mereka. Jean memilih agar mereka memasang catherer SELEPAS dia di beri epidural. Anda berhak membuat pilihan, ia badan anda, bukan milik doktor atau hospital. Bertanya lah pada doktor dan maklumkan kepada mereka bahawa anda mahu di maklumkan mengenai prosedur agar anda dapat membuat pilihan seperti Jean di atas.
10. Breast crawl – On Day 3, baby did a breast crawl. I was asking an LC on tips to latch correctly, so she propped my baby on the middle of my upper chest and asked us to watch baby do the breast crawl. Newborn babies are able to do the breast crawl and latch properly due to their natural survival instinct. To this date, I still remember vividly every moment of the breast crawl.. how my baby was perched precariously at first but the managed to snuggle slowly to a comfortable position, how he wriggled slowly but surely to my breast, using only his sense of smell and natural survival instinct. I remember the way his head turned, his tiny fingers and its smooth skin touching my skin, and his mouth latching on to my breast perfectly, like he has breastfed for a thousand times before this. It was a very empowering and emotional moment for me.
Ulasan: Sila search untuk breast crawl di youtube :-) Perjalanan Penyusuan yang indah boleh bermula dengan baik walaupun dengan kelahiran melalui pembedahan.
All these helped to create a warm, loving and secure environment for my baby. I planned and requested for all this as part of his welcoming "gift".. welcoming him to this beautiful world :)
Ulasan: Ini lah hadiah dari Jean untuk Javern semasa hari lahirnya :-)
Selamat melahirkan wahai ibu-ibu yang barokah (di berkati Allah) :-)
Untuk maklumat lanjut, anda boleh ke fb page ICAN Malaysia
info yg sgt2 bgune..thanks 4 sharing..insya'Allah sy akn jd kn pnduan.. :)
ReplyDeleteWah.. Perkongsian yang sangat menarik. Tq admin.. tips persediaan sebelum bersalin untuk ibu hamil anak pertama.