Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Natural birth: Success vs Relief

I believe, a saying I once saw on facebook sums up the concept of natural and/or gentle and/or "islamy" birth very well. It goes something like this:

"I will not say it is going to be easy, I will say it is going to be worth it"

I feel that Success is different from Relief. This is because, sometimes Success is associated with the ability to "Conquer" or gain control over something, where as in Birth, YOU hand over ALL CONTROL to the primal instincts of your body- you quiet down all Noise; all desire to control your body and depend on human - to depend purely on The Creator.

Now, that may seem extreme to some, for some human (medical) assistance is "helpful". Yes, well, i will agree that it is. But THOSE offering medical assistance must also be in the right frame of mind. That they are there to offer assistance merely in a task which is already being done perfectly - laboring and birthing.

Their task is minute. They should not disturb the melody, the song, the hymn which is being sung.

Thus, as promised, after hardwork, comes double relief. (inna ma-al usri yusro)


  1. Salam kak..i wish i boleh give birth kat rumah jer.For me hospital buat i tension.Dengan staff yang nak depa punya kerja cepat siap..u know government hospital kan?My first was born through c-sect.4kg baby.They considered my baby as huge baby.At that time i dont have any knowledge about birthing at all.Now i wish to try VBAC.I want the baby to have his own natural journey without interference of any drugs,unnecessary c-sect..again..

  2. Please email me your details if you wish to learn about homebirthing in malaysia. As in your email address and facebook name. Thanks.

  3. Email address saya: mahabatullah@hotmail.com


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