Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Robin Hood: Did he erect justice?

Pic googled: Question: Can Robin Hood's way of justice be justified? What is Islam's POV?

Pic googled: Islam is our flashlight, guide for our way, our decisions, behaviour and even our mis-behaviour.

Indah nya islam ni sebagai panduan dan penyuluh sikap, pandangan, reaksi, perbuatan, dan keputusan dalam hidup, KERANA semua nya di berikan panduan, setidak-tidak nya basic guideline, jika tidak sudah diberikan contoh yang nyata dari contoh Rasulullah SAW.

Lagi lagi dari segi aspek sosial manusia, dari makan, minum, mandi, tidur, memberi hadiah, adab-adab perhubungan, pergaulan, perjanjian, perdagangan, mengawal dan mengurus emosi: sisi-sisi yang sangat relevan dalam kehidupan seharian kita.

Antara juga yang di beri garis panduan ialah dalam menegakkan hak kita (claiming our right) dan menegur kesalahan. Allah memberi garis panduan utk kebaikan kita.

(If people don't abide by the guideline and thus do wrong to us, we will be defended by Allah. Whenever we feel we want to do something to satisfy our anger, desire/etc against that which Allah has permitted, just rationalize, would Allah defend us? Can our action/decision really be justified?)

Persis bila kita buat kesalahan atau tersedar kita dalam kesalahan. Kita tentu mahu menjaga aib kita serta malu jika org tahu.

Garis panduan yg Allah beri kan applies to everyone. 'Aib must be kept, not disclosed.

Pic googled: We want justice when we are wronged by someone else: we must also want justice when we have done wrong. Even criminals have rights.

We can't just be happy that it applies to our 'aib, wrong doings, misgivings and faults YET be angry that it also applies to someone else when they commit a wrong-doing.

If we don't like or want our wrongdoings however big or small be known to public, nor would someone else. The reason?

The reason or The blessing that we need to see, behind why Allah forbids us from publicizing a person's wrongdoing (to a certain extent, thus disclosed only within guidelines given by Islam) is because Allah gives every 'criminal' a chance to change, and Allah forgives and accepts repentance (a changed person), very unlike humans.

It's hard to remember this when we are wronged, I agree. Sometimes we are too angry and bent on getting justice erected as soon as possible.

And how about when it is the other way around? Being only human, we cannot say we've never done wrong, however small or petty it seems. Whatever is wrong, is a sin, and an 'aib (something we feel shameful about). So the equation is simple, regardless of a small or big 'crime'.

In a hadith, Rasulullah SAW has informed us about how Allah forgave a man WHO MURDERED a 100 persons when he wanted to repent.

Pic googled: do not take 'justice' into our own hands and definition: Islam does not accept 'justice' as defined by Robin Hood: his cause was true, correct and noble, but his means does not justify his intentions.

So we need to be moderate in our 'punishment' towards those who do wrong to us and those we love and protect. We need to be guided by guidelines: seeking the guidelines when we don't know, and try our best against ourself to abide by them: because we are muslims, because we love Allah. Because we fear only Allah, because we stand up for what is right, and even a person who has done wrong STILL has rights and a dignity which Allah perserves, so must we (perserve it).

Because we are also, to some extent, Allah's servants guilty of some wrong doing. And Allah has perserved our dignity, and hidden our faults from public knowledge. Be merciful and patient, Allah spares no arrogant wrong-doer from severe punishment, and Allah abandons not any person from getting justice.


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