Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trust in the face of adversity


Hubby encouraged me to fast on "Arafah Day" or 9 Zulhijjah. So we fasted together. We were heading to Kajang to my in laws and I brought along a book about hajj for me to read.

Being a children's book, it was an easy but very meaningful read. It has helped me to reflect on what are the lessons for me in the life and trials of Ibrahim, Hajar and Ismail, peace be upon them.

I have always been wondering of what is the significance and lesson in the story of Ibrahim and Ismail, and Ibrahim and Hajar.

I have always been wondering; why a sacrifice? Why kill your son? And why such a painfully heart-rending and seemingly "cruel" and heartless act of abandoning a woman (with a baby!) in the desert?

I got my answer today.

I talked about it with my hubby as we were discussing the steps of hajj. It feels good to understand the lesson behind an ibadah's technical side. Which reminds me, I would like to study along the similiar lines for solah.

Anyway. The answer was; Tsiqah (Arabic) or Taat (Malay) or complete obedience/ compliance to Allah's decree eventhough you may not like it OR understand it (why does it happen).

Obviously not an easy thing for me.not easy but not impossible. Inshaallah...

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