Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Driving VS Birthing: Which is more natural?

I don't drive on main roads. Reason being, the last time that I did, I got into a car accident and my hubby had to pay almost RM300 to fix the car. It was traumatic because the car kept turning off, I got lost in the city and we were not doing very well financially at that time, we were both students.

What is the connection between driving and birthing? One day a friend of mine commented, "You are weird because you are nervous about driving, yet you are not nervous about birthing."

I answered her, "That's because driving involves the safety of other people too."

"Birthing involves the life of the mother and baby."

"Unlike driving, which involves handling a machine, Birthing is a normal function of the body."

"I guess we see things from a different point of view"

"Yes I guess so"


Driving is not a natural human activity. At least not until cars were invented, and became affordable. But yes, driving has grown to become a "natural" human activity, done under 'hypnosis' state of mind.

But Birthing? Animals don't need help to birth because they've birthed safely since Allah created them. How is this much different from Humans?

BEFORE you debate with me for saying how 'medical assistance' for Birthing has saved so many maternal and infant lives, I would like to say that I DO AGREE with that (to a certain extent). Alhamdulillah for the advance and knowledge of how to remedy a complication in birthing.

There is no other way to say it, but Birth is viewed from two VASTLY different perspectives: Medical VS Natural. I do not wish to elaborate about this further here.

You can google about it, or read about it here or join The Gentle Birthing Group on Facebook and make an inquiry about this there.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe.. thanks for this interesting post :) Driving IMHO also is not conducive to maintain good/ natural posture. Today's lifestyle - especially in KL - is full of driving and sitting behind the desk at the computer for hours on end... Definitely not conducive for maintaining good posture ---which in turn facilitates baby to get into an encouraging position for birth.


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