Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Stick this at your face and GTH


The end of my patience

Unless you get a court order to stop me from seeing and taking my child
I will take him
I nurtured him with every fiber of my being 20 years before I even met you
I don't BLOODY care if you don't like English.
I will speak to you with the language of my core
I, will, take my child.
because what the heck do you care?
all you care about is meeting your mutarabbi
and chatting with your online girlfriends
where as I
have nurtured the image of this child 20 years before I even got married
so you can go to hell
with your mutarabbi and your girlfriends
I am taking my child. Fullstop.
you don't deserve to be a father.
or a husband.

Friday, December 19, 2014

apps and videos for my kids

1. yes i am a control freak
2. i am allowed to be a control freak
3. it isn't against the malaysian law
4. it isn't against the syariah law (somewhat)
5. Allah put these humans in my womb, thereby making them an amanah for me 
6. Allah made us related or connected somehow because i am worth your time and you are worth mine 
7. i was not created to judge YOU as good or bad
8. i am fully aware i am not guaranteed heaven
9. and nor are you guaranteed hell
10. i do not look down on you
11. i do not look down on you
12. i am not better than you
13. i am not better than you
14. we all have our own strengths and weaknesses 
15. i am allowed to be a control freak about my child because i am the parent and Allah will question me
16. but at the same time my child is a child of the village (anak "kampung" yg ku diami)
17. again, i am not saying you're stupid and going to hell
18. i just want to say, please be mindful of the things you feed the kids' minds. 

if you're going to let my child play with your handphone, please...........

invest in the energy to ensure that the game/video is of something of educational value. or at least, be an active educator with what you share with my child. 

thank you. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

kalam dalam darah

that feeling, when...
your neurons are filled with pop songs
yet you wish
they are filled instead
with kalamullah
a past
you never wished for
could not delete
no button to press
no screen to tap
no eraser to erase
only a desperation
that you will fight
the demon called 'me'
and fill every passage
in which the blood runs through
with Allah's words
and not
Bon Jovi's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

faithful eyes

i keep my eyes down
i want to preserve my faith


the ship is sinking
and he refused to come down and get wet to save me
he said there are more important things to do
they all say that
be a solehah darling and stop it
stop it

stop what? 
how the hell do i stop the ship from sinking? 

all of you 
and him
just want to bloody yell and tell me WHAT TO DO
instead of getting yourself dirty and 

It's not right  but it's ok

Monday, November 24, 2014

Plastic Vegetables

Tonight went to kidzoona with the kids, after maghrib. I feel that for today's modern living, indoor playgrounds  can be quite a lifesaver due to how "convenient" long-distance travel have been made. 

Before I continue about plastic onions I found in kidzoona (which rather freaked me out), I just want to say- isn't it ironic that our "conveniences" only created MORE inconveniences which require more problem-solving? 

it's like a never ending chain of "problem -solving", which, if you think about it, is in fact a never ending chain of problem-creating. 

ah, c'est la vie. arrihlah fiddunya ha kadha. 

On to the plastic onions (actually they were garlic, but there were plastic onions too) that freaked me out. 

i sat there in kidzoona thinking, what has our intelligent progress done to us? 

We can have an endless debate on the pro and cons of "plastic replica toys"...


malam ni start baca ni pada anak2. not sure akan last ke tak, malam ni pun dah agak "mencabar" :)

kalau tak nanti baca sendiri je hehe

Sunday, November 23, 2014

the whole brain child

Got to love a book that starts like this: 

cancerous expressions

people are even afraid of feelings and emotions and expression. 


when you see them then you can identify and help at an earlier stage rather then when it's stage 4 cancer. 


Wednesday, November 19, 2014


sometimes i feel
like Allah is answering someone's du'a
at the same time I feel a slight feeling
unable to see the blessing in disguise
due to
only seeing it as a curse
am nobody special, i am 
to keep me humble
to keep me on the ground
if i had it all
i'd probably lose sight of logic
and kill myself
to enter heaven

maybe, i don't know
i feel like an outcast
now who felt that? 
was it me or the mother who bore me?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Newcomer comments

I've had my suspicions over this for some time.. 
But me being a "newcomer" to this old world
Just couldn't really put a finger on it 
Media is the new lord of prostitution
Movies perhaps not so blatantly obvious as how "Music" is really just- prostitution.


Posted this in a "young muslim entrepreneur group" that I'm in. Kelas post tu, rasa mcm krik krik krik... I can hear a pin drop. 

Man I'm weird. 


There's a HUGE ...is it called "market" ....that I feel is rather  untapped by some.....Muslims (not sure, since I'm a newbie in business) which is: the market of organic produce and food products. 

The younger "parent" society is (also) very slowly moving towards natural/organic mindset for those who notice it (besides islamic)."

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Experiment 1 week without fb

I want to try this experiment, to not open and use my fb for a week, regardless of "what happens", any "needs" and whatever "consequences". 

My aim: is to use all the information I already have to sort out my life instead of feeling that I'm left out of something.

Though the best thing about fb is the announcements about programs though. 

Do you think I have enough friends who care to invite me along? Well, let's do this  experiment!!! :) 

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Today I choose to be happy 
Despite everything and anything 
Happiness is a decision , a choice to be happy 
Despite anything and everything 


Assalamua'laikum sahabat2 maya
Semalam musa Dan Saya buat experiment
Sejak Saya menonton "schooling the world", Saya tak pernah memandang golongan "pekerja" dengan Pandangan yang sama lagi. 
Saya selalu rasa teringin nak borak dengan mereka Walaupun tak pernah berani rasa nak borak. 
Sekali je pernah tanya nama, Dan sekali lagi (dengan orang lain), tanya dari negara mana. 
Ala kulli hal, 
Semalam Saya Dan musa buat eksperimen. 
Sedang hujan baru hendak bermula, Kami nampak dua orang pekerja asing berjalan, lalu Saya turunkan cermin kereta Dan minta musa berikan payung kepadanya. Mulanya Dia terkejut Dan tak mahu ambil. 
Lalu Saya pandang muka nya Dan berkata" amek, amek". 
Lalu Dia ambil.
Dengan cermin pandang belakang Saya nampak Dia buka Dan guna. 

Cuma yang kelakar nya Saya nampak Dia buka payung berwarna hijau. Hehehe.
Payung tu payung kegemaran Saya. Saya terpaksa redha yang musa telah ambil payung itu Dan berikan pada orang itu.
Tapi dek kerana skrg ni musim hujan, Saya rasa nak teruskan projek ini. 
Nothing to lose and everything to gain. insha Allah. 
Tamak pahala! 

Memalingkan muka kerana hormat

Sangat tersentuh dengan cara saidina umar bercakap dengan sesetengah wanita iaitu memalingkan muka kerana meminta izin atau menghormati Dan dengan sesetengah wanita pula bercakap terus....ikut situasi. Sangat tersentuh :) 

I wanted to become an artist

I think i suffered the same fate as Saint Antoine de Exupery. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pink parking

Nowadays there are parking spaces that aim to make it safe and easy for single women drivers and mothers with kids. 

Alhamdulillah for not just business people with smart business moves, but also , I would say, an awareness for the safety of womenfolk. 

Alhamdulillah for these people, be they women or men. But especially if they are men :) 

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Mata yujad alam
Just keep pressing it
Until it feels numb


An open wound, walking around 
Hazha ana.

Friday, October 31, 2014

to read







link: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-legacy-distorted-love/201209/shaming-children-is-emotionally-abusive

1.Adult children raised by narcissistic parents frequently tell similar childhood stories of shame and humiliation. 

2.“ Wherever I look, I see signs of the commandment to honor one’s parents and nowhere of a commandment that calls for the respect of a child.”

3.Children respect those who respect them. 

4.Often these shaming acts take place in front of other people. Treating children badly and without respect is not the golden rule for parenting, but why do we see this so often?

5.When the family gets together, he loudly announces the wrong doings of his children, with no insight to the damage it does. The children stand listening with eyes cast downward. Is it any wonder that young people in these situations grow into adults with self-doubt, depression and anxiety?

6.It is an expectation that the parent will provide safety, protection, acceptance,understanding and empathy. 

7.When children are emotionally or psychologically abused, they grow up feeling unloved, unwanted, and fearful. Normal development is interrupted and it sends the wounded child into exile. 

8.When we talk about disrespectful children, we must look at parenting

9.Solid parenting shows children respect and empathy. When a parent truly gives respect to a child, they receive it back. 

10.Make the commitment to never shame a child. Treat children like you want to be treated.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I am afraid to show my emotions, I have not learnt to communicate my feelings effectively or how to deal with people's reactions and feelings in an effective manner. 

So teach me with kindness. What have you got to lose? 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

movement for kids

1. movement & brain
2. movement & learning
3. movement & nature


Ironically, many children are walking around with an underdeveloped vestibular (balance) system today–due to restricted movement. In order to develop a strong balance system, children need to move their body in all directions, for hours at a time. Just like with exercising, they need to do this more than just once-a-week in order to reap the benefits. Therefore, having soccer practice once or twice a week is likely not enough movement for the child to develop a strong sensory system.

Children are going to class with bodies that are less prepared to learn than ever before. With sensory systems not quite working right, they are asked to sit and pay attention. Children naturally start fidgeting in order to get the movement their body so desperately needs and is not getting enough of to “turn their brain on.” What happens when the children start fidgeting? We ask them to sit still and pay attention; therefore, their brain goes back to “sleep.”

They need hours of play outdoors in order to establish a healthy sensory system and to support higher-level attention and learning

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Dear village member 
Hey how're you doin? Didja know I'm a TESL grad and not a usul Fiqh or dinniyah or Al qur'an and Sunnah grad? 

Yeah just wanted to make sure you know that about me. 

Because I want to say this to you. I hope in some weird way Allah will make you read this .

Did you know that there is no sarcasm / cynicism between the inhabitants /dwellers of Allah's Jannah? 

Hey I don't know about your side of the grass but I bet it's got problems like everyone else. 

I bet you're plagued with fatigue and stress and all that's worth of this journey called dunya. 

I don't know what you've been through in life which has made you seem so sarcastic and cynical if not bitter- seeming in your online presence, but as I'm sure you'd want to aim for Jannah as the rest of us, 

Do you think you can tone down the sarcasm and cynicism down a tad? 

What do you get from it? 




Any kind of positive reimbursement? 

No, right? 


Why not choose to be less cynical, arrogant and all high and mighty because you work your ass off for all the hard work you try to do everyday and simply answer a question with a kind one instead of a cynical sarcastic one. 

Yours truly, 
Your imperfect village member who won't send this in a pm to you coz she's too chicken so she posted it as her status instead. 

Signed again as, 
Imperfect human being. 

being positive

Re-quoted from sister yasmin mujahid:
The truth is, when we thought we were looking for a good husband or a good wife or a good job or a lot of money or a lot of fame, we were really just looking for God. So it’s no wonder that we got disappointed when the husband, the wife, the job, the money or the fame didn’t fill our need—or our emptiness.
Even that emptiness itself was created for a purpose: To drive us to fill it. The problem is we try to fill it with the wrong things. Everything inside us was created to enable our journey to find the true fill, to find Him. Ironically even shaytan and the nafs—if reacted to correctly—can become a means to reach Him. Shaytan and the nafs are our enemies. True. But how can we protect ourselves from them? Can the people help? Can money help? Can worldly power or weapons help protect us from our greatest enemies? Where is the *only* shelter from both shaytan and our nafs? The only shelter is in Allah. It’s like sending a storm to push us to the only refuge. To push us to Him (azza wa jal).
Life's great when the worst of the worst is meant to push me to Allah. If even the worst of happenings means - even if I don't feel like I deserve Jannah, but at least I still have a small tiny minuscule feeling of being loved and seen by Allah. He created me and He loves me. He created me and He loves me. I just need to learn how to love Him with more fierceness. Knowing me, yes I will use the word fierce. And the word adequacy. I have to keep fighting and learning how to love Allah with adequate fierceness of a slave to her Creator. Ana uhibbukun, akhowati.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

the cave

How much of the truth can you handle 


Allah save me
wonderful journey
Allah provides, not man





wonderful journey called life

seemed as if
I waited all my teenage hood for you

it was only a year or two or three

wonderful journey

no longer in love

now learning to love

a love I lost

learning who have I become

Learning to know my son again

the son, the child I have waited all my life to meet

I have waited to meet him more than you

because he will forever be part of me

unlike you

wonderful journey


we're on a journey little boy

take ummi's hand, boy

let's go



where i'm going

you're not going

end of story

walk away

"Walk Away"

There's a river of tears i need to cry
Been holding back for years
There's a mountain so high i need to climb
To wipe away the fears
Solitude and loneliness have been a friend of mine
As i'm turning my back on emptiness
I leave them all behind 

Who knows just where i'm going
Does tomorrow belong to me 

Walk away this time with my head up high
Walk away just me and myself
Walk away with pride
Nothing left to hide
But it just feels right to be one
And just walk away 

I could never forget how hard I tried
When we were oh so young
Just one tender moment I cannot find
Maybe I had none 

Strength will be by my side
Although I feel afraid
But I know it's too late for this goodbye
There's nothing left to say 

Who knows just where I'm going
Does tomorrow belong to me 


Walk away this time with my head up high
Walk away just me and myself
Walk away with pride
Nothing left to hide
But it just feels right to be one
And just walk away this time
One day you'll realize 
That the tears you saw in my eyes 
Won't be there forever 

[Chorus to fade]

Dear village members

Dear village members, 
You can count on me as long as I can cluck up the money, if money is what it needs, time, if time is what it needs, energy, if energy is what it needs. Whatever it is that you need. 
Sometimes I feel that I am disappointed, but then I try to remind myself to expect from Allah and not from my village members. Because Allah is King and I am slave. Allah provides, not man. 
Allah provides, not man. 

Dear me, 
Allah provides, not man. 
Allah, save me. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Needing to be muslim

I saw a video about Mexican Drug Cartels
and it made me think,
the world needs me to be muslim.

The world needs me and my kids to be muslim
while people make dirty jokes
while people watch idola kecil
while people watch korean soaps
while people are busy chatting in yahoo chatrooms
while people are busy judging other people's looks and lives
while people are busy being male chauvinists

I don't care
yes, it makes me hell angry
at the same time the world needs me to be muslim.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

here i am

here i am
you're here

i'm here with the baby
at the edge of the cliff
let him talk to me
and i'll jump

straight to You

weak and broken

i'm weak and broken
but Allah gives me chances
that's all that matters

I know it hurts

yet you cannot stay under your rock
you cannot stay under the blankets

so you put yourself under the sun
nobody sees you melting
you're breaking into pieces inside
someone didn't get the email
and you're hurt

all you need
is someone to lay a hand on you
while you cry
and hear them say
"i know it hurts"

hear them say
"it's ok to feel vulnerable"
"it's ok to feel fragile"
"you're only human"

you face the heat of the sun
you melt
nobody sees it

but it's ok
Nobody's out to get you
Allah pulls all the strings
to show you He is King
and you are slave.....

I saved the world today- eurythmics

Monday finds you like a bomb
That's been left ticking there too long
You're bleeding
Some days there's nothing left to learn
From the point of no return
You're leaving

Hey Hey I saved the world today
Everybody's happy now
The bad thing's gone away
And everybody's happy now
The good thing's here to stay
Please let it stay

There's a million mouths to feed
And I've got everything I need
I'm breathing
And there's a hurting thing inside
But I've got everything to hide
I'm grieving

Hey Hey I saved the world today
Everybody's happy now
The bad thing's gone away
And everybody's happy now
The good thing's here to stay
Please let it stay

Let it stay
Let it stay
Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo the good thing

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I just realized that you're right
I do switch to english when I'm angry 
I do switch to English when I'm pissed
Is it because I use it to look down on people? 
I hope not 
I use it because it is the language of my heart 
Ofcourse I wish it is arabic 
But it is english

What do you mean business saja2? 
Did you ask me if I'm doing business saja2 or not? 
Did you ask me why I'm doing it? 
Yep. You didn't.
So you have no right to say I'm doing "business saja2".
You stepped on my toes and I forgive you. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

being human

people flip sometimes
you don't know?



being imperfect

"The Reason" - hoobastank

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You

and the reason is You [x3]

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

animal instinct


Suddenly something has happened to me
As I was having my cup of tea
Suddenly I was feeling depressed
I was utterly and totally stressed
Do you know you made me cry
Do you know you made me die

And the thing that gets to me
Is you'll never really see
And the thing that freaks me out
Is I'll always be in doubt
It is a lovely thing that we have
It is a lovely thing that we
It is a lovely thing, the animal
The animal instinct

So take my hands and come with me
We will change reality
So take my hands and we will pray
They won't take you away
They will never make me cry, no
They will never make me die

And the thing that gets to me
Is you'll never really see
And the thing that freaks me out
Is I'll always be in doubt

The animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
It's the animal, the animal, the animal instinct in me
It's the animal, it's the animal, it's the animal instinct in me [x2]

only until tomorrow

"You Can Still Be Free" - savage garden

Cool breeze and autumn leaves
Slow motion daylight 
A lone pair of watchful eyes 
Oversee the living 
Feel the presence all around 
A tortured soul 
A wound unhealing 
No regrets or promises 
The past is gone 
But you can still be free 
If time will set you free 
Time now to spread your wings 
To take to flight 
The life endeavour 
Aim for the burning sun 
You're trapped inside 
But you can still be free 
If time will set you free 
But it's a long long way to go 

Keep moving way up high 
You see the light 
It shines forever 
Sail through the crimson skies 
The purest light 
The light that sets you free 
If time will set you free 

Sail through the wind and rain tonight
You're free to fly tonight 
And you can still be free 
If time will set you free 
And going higher than the mountain tops 
And go high like the wind don't stop 
And go high 
Free to fly tonight 
Free to fly tonight

the walls are closing in on me

"Crash And Burn" - savage garden

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

When you feel all alone
And a loyal friend is hard to find
You're caught in a one way street
With the monsters in your head
When hopes and dreams are far away and
You feel like you can't face the day

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

'Cause there has always been heartache and pain
And when it's over you'll breathe again
You'll breath again

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please
To tame your wild wild heart

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

hold an old friend's hand: tiffany

Another year and I'm still here
The grass just will not grow on this old hill
Still I just can't let it go,
I don't believe it's cause I'm cold
Or partial to the crazy life I'm caught in
Sometimes I fell the hand of time
Moving like its body was broke
And it's then I miss your sighs
And the tender words you spoke

Hey, that's okay - come on around and get yourself together
Won't you come on around and hold an old friend's hand
Babe, I promise not to throw you
You don't have to stay, I just want to hold you
Won't you come on around
And hold an old friend's hand

Another year is dead and gone
The sun don't want to shine on this old hill
Or anything that's mine
I don't believe it hurts to grow
Even when the crop you sow is a failure
Sometimes I wish I had no pride
I'd go off and sell my soul
But how do you say goodbye
To the only truth you've known

Hey, that's okay - come on around and get yourself together
Won't you come on around and hold an old friend's hand
Baby baby, I promise not to throw you
You don't have to stay, I just want to hold you
Won't you come on around
And hold an old friend's hand

Oh babe, honey everybody makes mistakes
We feel a lot of life that way
Don't you think by now I know that?
Look what's brought us both back
Now - while the leaves still dance on the wind
While the moon and the clouds come spinning
Will you whisper my name again?
Again and again and again

Hey, that's okay - come on around and get yourself together
Won't you come on around and hold an old friend's hand
Around and around with you I've been
Flat on the ground and up again
Nobody know for sure just when
Everything changes

the winding road. leads me to Allah. c'est la vie...


true colors...


Now that you're out of my life
I'm so much better
You thought that I'd be weak without you 
But I'm stronger
You thought that I'd be broke without you 
But I'm richer
You thought that I'd be sad without you
I laugh harder
You thought I wouldn't grow without you 
Now I'm wiser
Though that I'd be helpless without you 
But I'm smarter
You thought that I'd be stressed without you 
But I'm chillin'
You thought I wouldn't sell without you 
Sold 9 million

I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm not gon give up (What?)
I'm not gon stop (What?)
I'm gon work harder (What?)
I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm gonna make it (What?)
I will survive (What?)
Keep on survivin' (What?)

I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm not gon give up (What?)
I'm not gon stop (What?)
I'm gon work harder (What?)
I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm gonna make it (What?)
I will survive (What?)
Keep on survivin' (What?)

Thought I couldn't breathe without
I'm inhaling
You thought I couldn't see without you
Perfect vision
You thought I couldn't last without you
But I'm lastin'
You thought that I would die without you 
But I'm livin'
Thought that I would fail without you 
But I'm on top
Thought it would be over by now
But it won't stop
Thought that I would self destruct 
But I'm still here
Even in my years to come
I'm still gon be here

I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm not gon give up (What?)
I'm not gon stop (What?)
I'm gon work harder (What?)
I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm gonna make it (What?)
I will survive (What?)
Keep on survivin' (What?)

I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm not gon give up (What?)
I'm not gon stop (What?)
I'm gon work harder (What?)
I'm a survivor (What?)
I'm gonna make it (What?)
I will survive (What?)
Keep on survivin' (What?)


It's not right 
But it's okay 
I'm gonna make it anyway


sunshine dust lyrics

Morning light through the bedroom window
Slow motion dust specks swirling in the sun
I close my eyes, and I'm floating along.
Sun did you warm the face of the Prophet
The way you warm mine, and make this room glow.
Dust were you brushed from the beard of the Prophet,
Coming from Jihad so long ago.

Allah humma Salli Ala Muhammad
Ya Rabbal Alameen
Allah humma Salli Ala Muhammad
Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam

Rain pouring down upon my garden.
Rhythm of the rain that sings its song.
I close my eyes, and I'm floating along.
Rhythm of rain were you once a river,
That purified the Prophet before his prayers.
Were you the same breath from the lips of the Prophet,
Carrying wisdom to thirsty ears?


Sharp clear crescent, lighting the blue night
Slipping in silence through the star scattered sky
I close my eyes, and I know that I belong.
Were you the same moon who lit the way of the Prophet,
Slipping through the desert on his Hijrah.
Stars did you map the way to Madinah
For the blessed Messenger of Allah?


And I close my eyes, and I'm floating along.
And I close my eyes, and I'm drumming along.
And I close my eyes, and I know that I belong.