Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sensory things and sensory play




Saturday, January 17, 2015

Korean Soap Worth and Mercedes

Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih went to a maahad?
That his father chose so meticulously, NO?
Did his father, Sultan Murad made his choice LIKE YOU DID?
I am going to build a relationship with them, in order to KNOW ----WHO----Am I going to put my child WITH
WHY in the world is that EXTREME?

WHY am I not making any sense to you?
because MY CHILD is not of any REAL meaning to you!
because your jamaah work matters more to you than MY CHILD
because your mutarabbi matters more to you than MY CHILD
because your mother's KOREAN SOAP OPERAS matter more than my child!

I AM NOT GOING TO SIMPLY SURRENDER MY CHILD over to you and your ancestry!

Because MY GRANDFATHER is an ulama'!
Because my lineage includes people of those in da'wah!

YES I have problems waking up in the morning
I see that makes YOU AND YOUR PARENTS better to handle my children and that gives you and your parents to put my child into the hands of STRANGERS YOU BARELY KNOW?

You want to say all this and say YOU KNOW ME BEST?
YOU have only known me for 9 years and you are very negative about me!

I DON'T CARE if this child is a descendant of "BIN RO****", because this child is also a descendant of AHMAD KASSIM and ABDUL HAMID, and since I planned for his future much more intensively and as intensively as YOU are about YOUR MUTARABBI, I am going to be handling his education.

LEAVE your parents to go and watch soap operas or whatever it is that they like to do like show off their mercedes or something rich like that and you go and get your PHD and get more grandchildren for them to feed with animal milk so that THEY WILL LEAVE MY KIDS ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BECAUSE I WILL NOT HAND MY KIDS OVER TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I am teacher learner: unschooling

  • taken from: http://zenhabits.net/unschool/

  • It’s how entrepreneurs learn. Schools prepare kids to follow instructions, like good employees, while entrepreneurs take charge of what they need to know and make decisions for themselves, navigate through uncharted waters. Unschooling prepares kids to be entrepreneurs instead of robots.
  • It’s much more natural. The school system is a fairly modern invention, and isn’t how humans have learned for the majority of our history. Unschooling is the learning method used for most of human history — including by people like Leonardo Da Vinci, Leo Tolstoy, Mozart, Einstein and Benjamin Franklin.
  • It’s freer. The structure of school is good for people who like decisions made for them, but if you like making your own decisions, and figuring out things based on current needs, you will want more freedom.
  • We learn with the kids. While in school, many parents are removed from the learning process, and ask the teachers to take responsibility for their kids’ education, with unschooling you learn with your kids. The most important learning I’ve been doing is learning about learning. We figure out, together, how people learn, what’s the best way to learn, for each kid.
  • Learning is unlimited. In school, learning is limited to the classroom and homework time. Then kids believe they stop learning and they can go play and live life — as if learning is boring and they only do it because they’re forced to. But unschoolers learn that learning happens all day long, every day, no matter what you’re doing. If you’re not studying a textbook, does that mean you’re not learning? Can’t you learn from playing games, going for a hike, talking to strangers? How about from figuring out how to cook dinner, or fix a broken faucet, or make a fort? Learning is all around us, and it’s fun! That’s what unschooling teaches us.
There are many more reasons, of course, and each person will find her own reasons. These are just a few of mine.

upside down, circles, rolling hills

In other words, they need to go upside down, spin in circles, and roll down hills. They need authentic play experiences that get them moving in all different directions in order to stimulate the little hair cells found in the vestibular complex (located in the inner ear). If children do this on a regular basis and for a significant amount of time, then (and only then) will they experience the necessary changes needed to effectively develop the balance system–leading to better attention and learning in the classroom.
