Anti-vaccinations, therefore "its replacement" are the "natural vaccines" which (insofar) is through:
1. breastmilk through breastfeeding (Surah Al-Baqarah: 233)
"Bukti ilmiahnya apa? Silakan membaca pada link dibawah ini, bahwa dr
Albert Sabin pada awal merintis percobaan vaksin polio – beliau
menggunakan kolostrum manusia dan sapi sebagai obat. Jurnal ini
menunjukkan bahwa hewan yang terinfeksi oleh polio, 84% sembuh dengan
pemberian kolostrum. "
taken from:
2. NATURAL "vaccinations" i.e "Tahnik" of newborn
"Tahnik dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah vaksinasi awal. Dalam mulut
manusia dewasa terdapat bakteri yang sangat beragam. Bakteri-bakteri
tersebut akan masuk dalam kurma yang telah dikunyah dalam dosis tertentu
dan dimasukkan ke dalam mulut bayi. Dan ini merupakan salah satu
bentuk introduksi atau vaksinasi yang telah kita kenal sekarang, yaitu
memberikan sistem kekebalan yang bersifat aktif dalam tubuh anak.
Vaksinasi zaman sekarang tentu dibolehkan selama cara dan tujuannya
benar, serta tidak mengandung zat-zat yang diharamkan.
Ilmu kedokteran telah menetapkan faedah yang besar dari tahnik ini,
yaitu memindahkan sebagian mikroba (bakteri) dalam usus untuk membantu
pencernaan makanan. Namun sama saja, apakah yang disebutkan oleh ilmu
kedokteran ini benar atau tidak benar, yang jelas tahnik adalah sunnah
mustahab yang pasti dari Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
inilah pegangan kita bukan yang lainnya, dan tidak ada nash yang
menerangkan hikmahnya. Perbedaan pendapat mengenai hikmahnya dikalangan
ulama, sebagian mereka mengakui tidak ada satu pun dari mereka yang
memiliki sandaran dalil syar’i. Dan Allah lah yang lebih tahu hikmahnya."
taken from:
Kisah-kisah kemenangan dan kekalahan seorang manusia biasa dalam perjalanan merangkak ke arah Allah. (Ummi Musa)
Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Study Log: Ingredient of Vaccine 1
taken from this link:
"Untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran garam alumunium dalam tubuh, silakan dibaca penelitian ini dimana garam alumunium yang disuntikkan kedalam tubuh seekor tikus memberikan kerusakan bahkan kehancuran dari sel setiap organ tikus tersebut. Dosis yang digunakan tentunya disesuaikan dengan tubuh tikus tersebut. Lalu bagaimana dengan tubuh seorang bayi yang dilakukan berulang kali?
Link terhadap penelitian alum atau garam alumunium bisa dibaca disini :
Link diatas hanyalah mengenai fakta akan bahaya garam alumunium yang digunakan sebagai bahan adjuvant di SEMUA vaksin"
"Untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran garam alumunium dalam tubuh, silakan dibaca penelitian ini dimana garam alumunium yang disuntikkan kedalam tubuh seekor tikus memberikan kerusakan bahkan kehancuran dari sel setiap organ tikus tersebut. Dosis yang digunakan tentunya disesuaikan dengan tubuh tikus tersebut. Lalu bagaimana dengan tubuh seorang bayi yang dilakukan berulang kali?
Link terhadap penelitian alum atau garam alumunium bisa dibaca disini :
Link diatas hanyalah mengenai fakta akan bahaya garam alumunium yang digunakan sebagai bahan adjuvant di SEMUA vaksin"
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
We are created for a meaningful journey and destination
Note: The LAST LINE of this poem... Should jump out at you and deserve much reflection and soul-searching.
It's ok to forget it sometimes; we're all human after all. We're all learning, we all fail and pick ourselves up again. We all stumble into the dark once in a while, just to have our soul incessantly bug us that it is a communion with divine light that really gladdens and satisfies the thirst in our soul.
(this poem is sometimes credited to Kent M Keith)
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
-this version is credited to Mother Teresa
It's ok to forget it sometimes; we're all human after all. We're all learning, we all fail and pick ourselves up again. We all stumble into the dark once in a while, just to have our soul incessantly bug us that it is a communion with divine light that really gladdens and satisfies the thirst in our soul.
(this poem is sometimes credited to Kent M Keith)
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
-this version is credited to Mother Teresa
Monday, December 19, 2011
Ask questions, it's ok. Ask questions, it's important!
Some practices in areas in our life, be it medicine, formal education, cultural norms, etc are without proven evidence yet after being practiced for generations and generations, some have become etched in stone regardless of how obsolete or unproven it is.
The same is never true for Divine Revelation which stand true from the first time it was revealed till the end of this world. Other than Divine Revelation, of which I am allowed to ask questions when I do not understand, man-made rules are fully open to questioning, especially since it is highly susceptible to being deceptive.
The same is never true for Divine Revelation which stand true from the first time it was revealed till the end of this world. Other than Divine Revelation, of which I am allowed to ask questions when I do not understand, man-made rules are fully open to questioning, especially since it is highly susceptible to being deceptive.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Reflection: Arrogance will diminish station
Station; in nearness to Allah.
Want; Need; Desire; Regret,
Anxiety; Depression.
Magic; Power; Positivity.
Power, Magic! In His words-
Gratitude. Tears; gratitude.
Endless gratitude: for yet another chance after endless failures and try-agains.
Exhale. Relief.
Want; Need; Desire; Regret,
Anxiety; Depression.
Magic; Power; Positivity.
Power, Magic! In His words-
Gratitude. Tears; gratitude.
Endless gratitude: for yet another chance after endless failures and try-agains.
Exhale. Relief.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Reflection: Security is...
...letting all feelings of fear and anxiety go, after reasonable amount of (human) effort to ensure safety and security (read: no matter how far you go; there is limitation).
It's easy to say "alhamdulillah" when something goes right, but not really easy to perceive that all praise for the success of what happened truly was a decree/decision of Allah; success made possible only by Allah's permission :-(
And when it doesn't turn out alright? We say; it is never meant to be; we remember Allah and His power and control over us.
It's hard to be a truly good servant, with a heart in true awe and remembrance of Allah when everything is all good and joyous, isn't it? Or is it?
I let go of all fear and anxiety; after having done the reasonable amount of human research and effort to ensure safety and security (in this world), I let go of all my fears and anxiety. Any (good or) bad which befall me is temporary; I will never be at a loss (forever), in fact, I will never be at a loss; for Allah has my back and will always protect me from all deception, lies, schemes, etc. I am never at any loss, if I put my trust in Him.
Whatever loss and calamity which befall me; doesn't (shouldn't) affect my eternity. I should not let it affect my eternity. I am never at a loss, because Allah has my back.
Dear Heart, please be strong and trust Allah. Please work hard, and trust Allah. What have you got to lose.....? Except that which is temporary and slight and if it escapes you, then it was never meant to stay that long with you anyway; with Allah there are eternal fragrant roses; and sweets and sights to delight the eyes.
It's easy to say "alhamdulillah" when something goes right, but not really easy to perceive that all praise for the success of what happened truly was a decree/decision of Allah; success made possible only by Allah's permission :-(
And when it doesn't turn out alright? We say; it is never meant to be; we remember Allah and His power and control over us.
It's hard to be a truly good servant, with a heart in true awe and remembrance of Allah when everything is all good and joyous, isn't it? Or is it?
I let go of all fear and anxiety; after having done the reasonable amount of human research and effort to ensure safety and security (in this world), I let go of all my fears and anxiety. Any (good or) bad which befall me is temporary; I will never be at a loss (forever), in fact, I will never be at a loss; for Allah has my back and will always protect me from all deception, lies, schemes, etc. I am never at any loss, if I put my trust in Him.
Whatever loss and calamity which befall me; doesn't (shouldn't) affect my eternity. I should not let it affect my eternity. I am never at a loss, because Allah has my back.
Dear Heart, please be strong and trust Allah. Please work hard, and trust Allah. What have you got to lose.....? Except that which is temporary and slight and if it escapes you, then it was never meant to stay that long with you anyway; with Allah there are eternal fragrant roses; and sweets and sights to delight the eyes.
Reflection; 1431-1433
The new lunar year is 1433, this year i will be 31 in dzul-qai'dah. (In the Gregorian calendar, I am 29 in 2011 thus 30 in 2012)
These recent years, have been... (paradox ahead) interesting. Clichè, i know, but... Original. No simpler but befitting word for it than that.
Recently I have been feeling as if; someone has been toying with the "curtains in my soul". How funny to think of it now, that i am using the eord word 'curtain', as that is the word I have used long, long ago, to desribe the recesses of my inner self; the folds of the skin of my onion...
Anyway, yes, there is a hand toying with my curtains; softly; gently, letting light into my dark room. The light is not intrusive; it is familiar; it is a long-lost friend.
Comrade; there you are. The musician, the song-writer; the poet; the sufi. Is that too much praise? Yes, it is.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
On Forgiveness and Forgiving
Points for me to ponder:
1. Express the feelings: It needs to be expressed, to the perpetrator, or someone else, or on a piece of paper (write it out and burn it, rip it, destroy it)
2. Giving meaning to the experience, i.e it happened to make me a better, smarter, stronger person or to help other people using what happened to us.
3. Gaining Acceptance. Accepting the change, the different situation(s). It is like a bitter medicine. This resolves frustration and anxiety.
4. Rebuild Safety: ensure it does not happen again.
5. Let go: Don't keep bringing it up. It's not about the person who did it to you. It's between you and Allah, and there is no much great rewards for forgiving. The emotions will not come up again.
Other benefits of Forgiving:
- Paradise! (hadeeth)
- Healthier body (no headaches, backaches, ulcers) (result of forgiveness training)
- More confident
- Heals relationships
- Less depression
- Lowers blood pressure
- We abuse ourself by dwelling in the incident! (replaying it in our mind)
- Try to overlook
- Don't nit-pick on people's short-comings
Friday, August 12, 2011
Mengenai Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris
Satu ketika dahulu; mereka jajah negara saya; tetapi mereka tidak jajah diri saya. Saya bercakap bahasa Inggeris bukan kerana saya memuliakan bahasa Inggeris, dan bukan juga kerana merendahkan bahasa ibunda saya. Nasionalisme tidak salah, tetapi jangan sampai lupa, Rasulullah s.a.w pun tidak berbahasa melayu, dan Islam menggalakkan kita belajar bahasa-bahasa lain. Merdeka!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The past
The past is not a haunting
Not a dirty secret
Not skeletons in the closet
The Songs may be wrong
In one sense
But in another, they are simply a memory
Of an innocence
And purity
The past is an old friend
A memory of purity
This is why, Allah is glorified for His Purity
As a child, i never understood
(though i enquired) as to why God is "Suci" (pure)
Why do we say "subhanallah"
Which is translated into "maha suci Allah"
These songs may be "dirty"
But they remind me of a "purity"
A past which was pure.
I need to run between trees shaggy with green leaves
I need to watch the clouds at sea
I need to search the sky
To survive
You have always been there
You are the same
It was You
When i was younger and naive
It is still You now
Loyal and reliable
Warm, so warm.
So tender, so soft, so open.
So loving. So forgiving.
So true. So sincere.
As you have always been. It's hard to believe
You never turn Your back on me
You are never to busy
You are always reachable
You have not forgotten me
Nor do You love me less
It's hard to believe the fact
That You are the same, forever and always.
Allah. You are indeed Amazing.
One day in my teenage life
Peter cetera glory of love
Bryan adams everything i do
Have you really loved a woman
Simply red fairground
Daryl hall n john oates
True colors
Smoke natalie imbruglia
Tiffany if love is blind
Roxette vulnerable
Billy joel just the way you are
Geri halliwell
The lift goes up where we belong
Take that
Bee gees
Savage garden
The past is not a haunting
Not a dirty secret
Not skeletons in the closet
The Songs may be wrong
In one sense
But in another, they are simply a memory
Of an innocence
And purity
The past is an old friend
A memory of purity
This is why, Allah is glorified for His Purity
As a child, i never understood
(though i enquired) as to why God is "Suci" (pure)
Why do we say "subhanallah"
Which is translated into "maha suci Allah"
These songs may be "dirty"
But they remind me of a "purity"
A past which was pure.
I need to run between trees shaggy with green leaves
I need to watch the clouds at sea
I need to search the sky
To survive
You have always been there
You are the same
It was You
When i was younger and naive
It is still You now
Loyal and reliable
Warm, so warm.
So tender, so soft, so open.
So loving. So forgiving.
So true. So sincere.
As you have always been. It's hard to believe
You never turn Your back on me
You are never to busy
You are always reachable
You have not forgotten me
Nor do You love me less
It's hard to believe the fact
That You are the same, forever and always.
Allah. You are indeed Amazing.
One day in my teenage life
Peter cetera glory of love
Bryan adams everything i do
Have you really loved a woman
Simply red fairground
Daryl hall n john oates
True colors
Smoke natalie imbruglia
Tiffany if love is blind
Roxette vulnerable
Billy joel just the way you are
Geri halliwell
The lift goes up where we belong
Take that
Bee gees
Savage garden
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Surat Cinta: Sampai kan rasa hati kami dengan suaramu, Tuan Muhammad Badi'
my note: Rasulullah peace be upon him did not feel that it was not "macho" for him to say he loves his wife. You know, some guys feel that it's not a guy thing to be saying how much they love their wife to their friend or another man...
Original article:
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Aku suka memanggil kamu dengan nama di atas. Ia bukan satu panggilan tradisi, sebaliknya ia satu panggilan yang disukai dan digemari Rasulullah s.a.w.. Aku akan beritahu kamu selepas ini dengan izin Allah, kenapa nama ini dipilih.
Adapun sebab aku menulis surat ini ialah beberapa aduan daripada akhawat anggota jamaah IM telah sampai kepadaku. Begitu juga aduan daripada akhawat yang bukan anggota IM. Meskipun aku rasa bertuah kerana diberi peluang hadir di muktamar akhawat yang diadakan beberapa minggu yang lalu di dewan muktamar university al-Azhar di bawah slogan: al-mar’ah al-Misriyyah… min athaurah ila an-nahdhah (Wanita Mesir.. dari revolusi kepada kebangkitan memajukan negeri), dan aku telah berbicara kepada mereka tentang kewajipan wanita di peringkat individu, keluarga dan masyarakat, tetapi kita mesti tahu bahawa di sana terdapat hak-hak mereka daripada lelaki yang merupakan tanggungjawab aku dan tanggungjawab kamu.
Sesungguhnya aku memilih untuk berbicara kepada kamu secara langsung, mengingatkan kamu peranan yang dipikulkan Allah ke atas bahu kamu, yang dipesan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. kepada kamu ketika baginda berada di ambang kematian. Ia merupakan wasiat terakhir yang paling berharga pernah diungkapkan oleh orang yang berwasiat.
Tuhan yang memiliki kebesaran berpesan kepada kamu supaya menjadikan hubungan kamu dengan isteri kamu bertunjangkan mawaddah dan rahmat, dibaluti kesedaran akan masuliah (pertanggungjawaban). Maka kamu adalah pengemudi bahtera keluarga. Kepimpinan kamu adalah kepimpinan yang berupa pertanggungjawaban, bukan penghormatan.
Tuhan kamu berpesan supaya kamu jangan lupa kerana jika kamu lupa, kamu akan dilupakan. “… dan janganlah pula kamu lupa berbuat baik dan berbudi sesama sendiri. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa melihat akan apa jua yang kamu kerjakan.” (Al-Baqrah:237). Al-fadhl ialah kamu memberi lebih banyak daripada kamu meminta, kamu mengambil hak kamu lebih sedikit daripada yang sepatutunya.
Dia berkata kepada kamu, bahawa kamu melindungi isteri, anak-anak daripada kemudaratan dan perkara yang membahayakan sama ada dari aspek kebendaan dan maknawi, juga usaha kamu membawa manfaat kebendaan dan maknawi kapada mereka merupakan tanggungjawab yang diletakkan di atas bahu kamu sejak mula dijadikan ayah kamu Adam dan ibu kamu Hawwa sebagaimana firmanNya yang bermaksud: “Maka, Kami berfirman: Wahai Adam sesungguhnya Iblis ini musuh bagimu dan bagi isterimu; oleh itu, janganlah dia menyebabkan kamu berdua keluar dari Syurga, kerana dengan yang demikian engkau (dan isterimu) akan menderita.” (Ta Ha:117)
Dan Rasulullah Musa a.s. telah merealisasikannya secara amali, sebagai mematuhi tuntutan Ilahi yang penuh dengan hikmah yang sangat mendalam maknanya “Ketika dia melihat api, lalu berkatalah dia kepada isterinya: Berhentilah! Sesungguhnya aku ada melihat api semoga aku dapat membawa kepada kamu satu cucuhan daripadanya atau aku dapat di tempat api itu: Penunjuk jalan.” (Ta Ha:10). Ayat ini mahu menyampaikan bahawa Musa seoalah-olah berkata kepada keluarganya: kamu tunggu di sini! Aku akan meninjau keadaan sekitar untuk mengelakkan kamu daripada bahaya dan perkara yang memudaratkan. Dan aku akan bawa kepada kamu perkara yang bermanfaat dari segi maddi dan maknawi.
Dan Allah juga telah menjadikan ikatan hubungan suami isteri ini dengan aqad yang kukuh yang diikat sendiri oleh kamu. Kamulah yang wajib memeliharanya. Allah akan menghisab kamu faktor-faktor yang menjadi ikatan itu kekal kukuh atau terburai “Dan bagaimana kamu tergamak mengambil balik pemberian itu padahal kasih mesra kamu telah terjalin antara satu dengan yang lain dan mereka pula (isteri-isteri kamu itu) telahpun mengambil perjanjian yang kuat daripada kamu?” (an-Nisaa’:21)
Adapun kesalahan wanita atau keaipan mereka, ia seumpama keaipan kamu dan kesalahan kamu. Kedua-dua kamu perlukan kesabaran untuk merawatnya. Namun tali kekangannya tetap berada di tangan kamu agar kapal ini hanya dikemudikan oleh seorang individu sahaja. Urusan keluarga bukan tempat untuk berebut kuasa atau beradu tenaga untuk jadi ketua sabagaimana yang cuba dilakukan oleh musuh-musuh Islam dan musuh-musuh kemanusiaan untuk mencarikkan ikatan yang suci ini. Mereka cuba menyalakan api pertentangan antara lelaki dan perempuan dengan mengunakan setengah kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh sebahagian suami dan mengaitkan kesalahan itu dengan sistem Islam, syariah rabbaniah yang telah meletakkan tanggungjawab kepimpinan di bahu lelaki, semua lelaki ke atas semua wanita, demi memelihara kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Sesungguhnya al-Quran telah menyatakan dengan ringkas dan padat semua sistem-sistem yang diperlukan oleh manusia. Semua itu tersimpul di dalam beberapa ayat yang sangat ringkas. “Demi malam apabila ia menyelubungi segala-galanya (dengan gelap-gelitanya), Dan siang apabila ia lahir terang-benderang; Demi Yang menciptakan (makhluk-makhlukNya) lelaki dan perempuan, (jantan dan betina); (Maksud al-Lail:1-3)
Malam dan siang, lelaki dan perempuan, saling bergandingan, lengkap melengkapi. Bukan berebut dan bersaing. Tiada kelebihan yang satu ke atas yang lain kecuali dengan melaksanakan peranan masing-masing.
Sebagai contoh, lihat isteri Firaun. Firaun mendakwa dirinya sebagai tuhan. Namun dakwaan itu sedikitpun tidak menjejaskan iman isterinya. Sebaliknya dua orang wanita lain yang menjadi isteri kepada dua orang nabi yang mulia, tidak mendapat apa-apa kelebihan di sisi Allah di sebabkan keingkaran mereka. Dan Maryam pula, seorang wanita solihah yang tidak bersuami. Jadi setiap individu mempunyai kedudukan tersendiri di sisi Allah. Ia dihisab secara berasingan daripada pasangan masing-masing. Setiap orang mempunyai masuliah fardiah yang tidak boleh dipikul oleh orang lain.
Ketika Nabi s.a.w. menyebut bahawa wanita seperti tulang rusuk yang bengkok, itu tidak bermakna keaipan bagi wanita kerana wanita tidak menciptakan dirinya sendiri.
Dari sisi lain kita dapati tulang rusuk yang bengkok itulah sebenarnya bentuk yang paling baik dan paling ideal.
Kalaulah tidak kerana tulang rusuk itu bengkok, jantung tidak akan berada dalam keadaan yang selesa dan tidak akan dapat menjalankan pungsinya membekalkan darah ke seluruh anggota. Sepasang paru-paru juga begitu. Jika tulang rusuk tidak bengkok, seluruh tubuh tidak dapat bernafas, insan tidak akan hidup sihat dan sejahtera, tidak akan mampu melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan ke atasnya.
Justeru, Allah Azza wa Jalla berkata, ketika kamu tidak suka kepada sesuatu perkara yang ada pada isteri kamu – kesempurnaan itu hanyalah milik Allah jua - kamu juga tidak terlepas dari kekurangan dan kesilapan. Dalam kontek ini Allah berfirman maksudnya: “… Kemudian jika kamu (merasai) benci kepada mereka (disebabkan tingkah-lakunya, janganlah kamu terburu-buru menceraikannya), kerana boleh jadi kamu bencikan sesuatu, sedang Allah hendak menjadikan pada apa yang kamu benci itu kebaikan yang banyak (untuk kamu).” (An-Nisaa’:19)
Rasulullah s.a.w. pula telah menghuraikan perkara ini dengan terperinci dan praktikal yang kamu boleh laksanakan dengan segera. Kamu yang mesti laksanakan, bukan dia (isteri kamu) kerana kamu adalah pengemudi, kamu yang bertanggungjawab. Baginda bersabda maksudnya: “Janganlah seorang mu’min itu (suami) membenci seorang mu’minah (isterinya) kerana boleh jadi dia tidak suka pada sesuatu perangainya, dia suka perangainya yang lain”. Maksudnya di sini, jika kamu melihat sesuatu yang tidak ada kaitan dengan prinsip-prinsip iman, maka kamu mesti mengubah mood kamu sendiri, sehingga kamu dapat melihat dan mengiktiraf kelebihannya dari aspek yang lain yang pastinya terlalu banyak yang kamu sukai. Maka dengan itu perasaan benci dengan segera akan bertukar menjadi sayang.
Aku ingin mengingatkan kamu satu maklumat yang simple yang kadang-kadang kita lupa. Tidakkah zakat fitrah isteri kamu, anak-anak dan khadam kamu yang bayar walaupun isteri kamu seorang yang kaya raya? Itu merupakan lambang pertanggungjawaban yang dipikulkan ke atas kamu kerana itu bukan zakat harta. Zakat harta yang dimiliknya adalah tanggungjawab dia sendiri. Dia yang mesti tunaikan secara berasingan daripada kamu. Awas kamu! Jangan ambil sedikitpun daripada hartanya tanpa izinnya dan jangan halang dia berbuat baik kepada keluarganya mengikut sukanya. Jika kamu berbuat demikian maka hisab kamu di sisi Allah amat sukar. Allah mengharamkan kezaliman ke atas diriNya dan menjadikan kezaliman itu haram ke atas sesama hambaNya.
Jadilah kamu orang yang sentiasa setia kepada isteri kamu kerana Rasulullah s.a.w. sentiasa setia kepada isterinya Khadijah r.a., kesetiaan yang sungguh indah sehingga selepas Khadijah meninggal dunia. Ia menjadi contoh bagi seluruh umat manusia. Begitu juga baginda tidak menyembunyikan perasaan cintanya kepada Aishah r.a. ketika baginda ditanya siapakah manusia yang paling baginda cintai. Maka dengan spontan baginda menjawab dengan terang dan tegasa: “Aishah!” Lalu sahabat berkata bahawa mereka bukan tanya tentang wanita, dan sekali lagi baginda menjawab: “Ayahnya!”. Baginda tidak berkata “Abu Bakar”, sebaliknya berkata: “Ayahnya”. Ia memberikan gambaran hubungan mesra dan intim antara baginda dan Aishah dan secara tidak langsung menggambarkan kedudukan Abu Bakar di sisi baginda.
Adakah kamu fikir ada ungkapan yang lebih indah daripada ini bagi menggambarkan rasa cinta seorang suami kepada isterinya? Unggkapan yang begitu tulus lahir dari bibir suami pastinya mampu memadam apa-apa kesilapan dan perselisihan antara kamu berdua.
Seandainya masalah yang kamu hadapi, na’uzubillah, sudah sampai ke tahap bercerai, dan cerai adalah perkara halal yang paling dibenci Allah, isteri yang diceraikan itu berhak tinggal di rumah kamu, hak yang ditentukan sendiri oleh Allah, agar dengan keberadaannya di rumah itu, hati kamu dan hatinya akan jadi lembut, dan perselisihan yang berlaku sebelumnya akan lebur. Tidakkah kamu nampak, dalam keadaan yang begitu genting sekalipun, Allah tetap menghendaki kamu melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan sebaik mungkin. Perhatikan ayat-ayat berkaitan dengan talaq, kebanyakannya dibasahi dengan ciri-ciri kelembutan dan kebajikan. Lihat surah at-Talaq ayat 1 hingga 3.
Akhirnya jangan kamu lupa wasiat perpisahan kekasih kita s.a.w. “Hendaklah kamu berpesan agar berbuat baik kepada wanita…”. Sungguh mengkagumkan, wasiat ini digandingkan dengan wasiat supaya menjaga solat. Tidakkah kamu rasa bahawa ia merupakan suatu perkara yang sangat penting?
Justeru, wahai saudaraku para suami, di manapun kamu dan dalam keadaan apapun,
maka setia dan setialah kepada isteri kamu!
Berbuat baik dan berbuat baiklah kepada isteri kamu!
Beri perhatian dan beri perhatianlah kepada perasaan isteri kamu!
Berbakti dan berbaktilah kepada keluarga isteri kamu!
Bantu dan bantulah isteri kamu untuk berbakti kepada keluarganya.
Bawalah isteri kamu memikul bersama kamu beban keluarga dan beban dakwah. Jadikan dia sandaran belakang kamu supaya dia dapat berjalan seiring kamu sambil membawa risalah dakwah yang diwajibkan Allah ke atas kamu.
Awas dan awas daripada mengambil hartanya tanpa kerelaannya. Adapun jika dia rela, Allah telah jelaskan hukumnya di dalam firmanNya yang bermaksud: “… Kemudian jika mereka dengan suka hatinya memberikan kepada kamu sebahagian dari mas kahwinnya maka makanlah (gunakanlah) pemberian (yang halal) itu sebagai nikmat yang lazat, lagi baik kesudahannya. (An-Nisaa’:4)
Ingat neraka dan neraka! Selamatkan isteri kamu darinya. “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Peliharalah diri kamu dan keluarga kamu dari Neraka…” (At-Tahrim:6)
Ingat syurga dan syurga. Bawalah dia bersama kamu serta anak-anaknya. “Mereka dengan pasangan-pasangan mereka bersukaria di tempat yang teduh, sambil duduk berbaring di atas pelamin;” (Ya Sin:56)
Dan ingatlah juga bahawa orang yang terbaik dalam kalangan kita ialah yang paling baik kepada isterinya. Dan sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w. orang yang paling baik kepada isterinya dalam kalangan seluruh umat manusia. Maka adakah kita mencontohinya?
Akhirnya, Rasulullah s.a.w. menamakan kamu suami yang mulia (zauj karim) selama kamu melaksanakan wasiatnya yang bermaksudnya: “Tidak memuliakan wanita kecuali orang (suami) yang mulia, dan tidak menghina wanita kecuali orang yang tercela!”.
Maka jadilah kamu wahai saudaraku suami muslim yang mulia. Semoga Allah berkati kamu pada isteri kamu, harta kamu dan anak-anak kamu. Semoga Allah rahmati ibu bapa kamu dan ibu bapa isteri kamu sama ada mereka masih hidup di dunia ini atau telah berpindah ke alam abadi. Semoga Allah himpunkan kamu berdua dalam kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Semoga Allah berkati zuriat kamu berdua.
Sesungguhnya aku telah berbicara kepada para isteri dalam muktamar lepas dengan membawakan satu Hadis yang menjamin pahala untuk mereka, iaitu seorang wanita yang melayan suami dengan baik pahalanya menyamai jihad, solat jamaah, solat jumaat dan mengiringi jenazah. Dan redanya kamu kepada mereka merupakan pintu untuk mereka masuk syurga.
Aku berharap kamu tidak lupa kepada kami dalam doa-doa kamu yang baik-baik.
Was-salamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Saudara kamu,
Dr. Muhammad Badi’
Murshid Am Ikhwan Muslimin.
Original article:
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Aku suka memanggil kamu dengan nama di atas. Ia bukan satu panggilan tradisi, sebaliknya ia satu panggilan yang disukai dan digemari Rasulullah s.a.w.. Aku akan beritahu kamu selepas ini dengan izin Allah, kenapa nama ini dipilih.
Adapun sebab aku menulis surat ini ialah beberapa aduan daripada akhawat anggota jamaah IM telah sampai kepadaku. Begitu juga aduan daripada akhawat yang bukan anggota IM. Meskipun aku rasa bertuah kerana diberi peluang hadir di muktamar akhawat yang diadakan beberapa minggu yang lalu di dewan muktamar university al-Azhar di bawah slogan: al-mar’ah al-Misriyyah… min athaurah ila an-nahdhah (Wanita Mesir.. dari revolusi kepada kebangkitan memajukan negeri), dan aku telah berbicara kepada mereka tentang kewajipan wanita di peringkat individu, keluarga dan masyarakat, tetapi kita mesti tahu bahawa di sana terdapat hak-hak mereka daripada lelaki yang merupakan tanggungjawab aku dan tanggungjawab kamu.
Sesungguhnya aku memilih untuk berbicara kepada kamu secara langsung, mengingatkan kamu peranan yang dipikulkan Allah ke atas bahu kamu, yang dipesan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. kepada kamu ketika baginda berada di ambang kematian. Ia merupakan wasiat terakhir yang paling berharga pernah diungkapkan oleh orang yang berwasiat.
Tuhan yang memiliki kebesaran berpesan kepada kamu supaya menjadikan hubungan kamu dengan isteri kamu bertunjangkan mawaddah dan rahmat, dibaluti kesedaran akan masuliah (pertanggungjawaban). Maka kamu adalah pengemudi bahtera keluarga. Kepimpinan kamu adalah kepimpinan yang berupa pertanggungjawaban, bukan penghormatan.
Tuhan kamu berpesan supaya kamu jangan lupa kerana jika kamu lupa, kamu akan dilupakan. “… dan janganlah pula kamu lupa berbuat baik dan berbudi sesama sendiri. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa melihat akan apa jua yang kamu kerjakan.” (Al-Baqrah:237). Al-fadhl ialah kamu memberi lebih banyak daripada kamu meminta, kamu mengambil hak kamu lebih sedikit daripada yang sepatutunya.
Dia berkata kepada kamu, bahawa kamu melindungi isteri, anak-anak daripada kemudaratan dan perkara yang membahayakan sama ada dari aspek kebendaan dan maknawi, juga usaha kamu membawa manfaat kebendaan dan maknawi kapada mereka merupakan tanggungjawab yang diletakkan di atas bahu kamu sejak mula dijadikan ayah kamu Adam dan ibu kamu Hawwa sebagaimana firmanNya yang bermaksud: “Maka, Kami berfirman: Wahai Adam sesungguhnya Iblis ini musuh bagimu dan bagi isterimu; oleh itu, janganlah dia menyebabkan kamu berdua keluar dari Syurga, kerana dengan yang demikian engkau (dan isterimu) akan menderita.” (Ta Ha:117)
Dan Rasulullah Musa a.s. telah merealisasikannya secara amali, sebagai mematuhi tuntutan Ilahi yang penuh dengan hikmah yang sangat mendalam maknanya “Ketika dia melihat api, lalu berkatalah dia kepada isterinya: Berhentilah! Sesungguhnya aku ada melihat api semoga aku dapat membawa kepada kamu satu cucuhan daripadanya atau aku dapat di tempat api itu: Penunjuk jalan.” (Ta Ha:10). Ayat ini mahu menyampaikan bahawa Musa seoalah-olah berkata kepada keluarganya: kamu tunggu di sini! Aku akan meninjau keadaan sekitar untuk mengelakkan kamu daripada bahaya dan perkara yang memudaratkan. Dan aku akan bawa kepada kamu perkara yang bermanfaat dari segi maddi dan maknawi.
Dan Allah juga telah menjadikan ikatan hubungan suami isteri ini dengan aqad yang kukuh yang diikat sendiri oleh kamu. Kamulah yang wajib memeliharanya. Allah akan menghisab kamu faktor-faktor yang menjadi ikatan itu kekal kukuh atau terburai “Dan bagaimana kamu tergamak mengambil balik pemberian itu padahal kasih mesra kamu telah terjalin antara satu dengan yang lain dan mereka pula (isteri-isteri kamu itu) telahpun mengambil perjanjian yang kuat daripada kamu?” (an-Nisaa’:21)
Adapun kesalahan wanita atau keaipan mereka, ia seumpama keaipan kamu dan kesalahan kamu. Kedua-dua kamu perlukan kesabaran untuk merawatnya. Namun tali kekangannya tetap berada di tangan kamu agar kapal ini hanya dikemudikan oleh seorang individu sahaja. Urusan keluarga bukan tempat untuk berebut kuasa atau beradu tenaga untuk jadi ketua sabagaimana yang cuba dilakukan oleh musuh-musuh Islam dan musuh-musuh kemanusiaan untuk mencarikkan ikatan yang suci ini. Mereka cuba menyalakan api pertentangan antara lelaki dan perempuan dengan mengunakan setengah kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh sebahagian suami dan mengaitkan kesalahan itu dengan sistem Islam, syariah rabbaniah yang telah meletakkan tanggungjawab kepimpinan di bahu lelaki, semua lelaki ke atas semua wanita, demi memelihara kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Sesungguhnya al-Quran telah menyatakan dengan ringkas dan padat semua sistem-sistem yang diperlukan oleh manusia. Semua itu tersimpul di dalam beberapa ayat yang sangat ringkas. “Demi malam apabila ia menyelubungi segala-galanya (dengan gelap-gelitanya), Dan siang apabila ia lahir terang-benderang; Demi Yang menciptakan (makhluk-makhlukNya) lelaki dan perempuan, (jantan dan betina); (Maksud al-Lail:1-3)
Malam dan siang, lelaki dan perempuan, saling bergandingan, lengkap melengkapi. Bukan berebut dan bersaing. Tiada kelebihan yang satu ke atas yang lain kecuali dengan melaksanakan peranan masing-masing.
Sebagai contoh, lihat isteri Firaun. Firaun mendakwa dirinya sebagai tuhan. Namun dakwaan itu sedikitpun tidak menjejaskan iman isterinya. Sebaliknya dua orang wanita lain yang menjadi isteri kepada dua orang nabi yang mulia, tidak mendapat apa-apa kelebihan di sisi Allah di sebabkan keingkaran mereka. Dan Maryam pula, seorang wanita solihah yang tidak bersuami. Jadi setiap individu mempunyai kedudukan tersendiri di sisi Allah. Ia dihisab secara berasingan daripada pasangan masing-masing. Setiap orang mempunyai masuliah fardiah yang tidak boleh dipikul oleh orang lain.
Ketika Nabi s.a.w. menyebut bahawa wanita seperti tulang rusuk yang bengkok, itu tidak bermakna keaipan bagi wanita kerana wanita tidak menciptakan dirinya sendiri.
Dari sisi lain kita dapati tulang rusuk yang bengkok itulah sebenarnya bentuk yang paling baik dan paling ideal.
Kalaulah tidak kerana tulang rusuk itu bengkok, jantung tidak akan berada dalam keadaan yang selesa dan tidak akan dapat menjalankan pungsinya membekalkan darah ke seluruh anggota. Sepasang paru-paru juga begitu. Jika tulang rusuk tidak bengkok, seluruh tubuh tidak dapat bernafas, insan tidak akan hidup sihat dan sejahtera, tidak akan mampu melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan ke atasnya.
Justeru, Allah Azza wa Jalla berkata, ketika kamu tidak suka kepada sesuatu perkara yang ada pada isteri kamu – kesempurnaan itu hanyalah milik Allah jua - kamu juga tidak terlepas dari kekurangan dan kesilapan. Dalam kontek ini Allah berfirman maksudnya: “… Kemudian jika kamu (merasai) benci kepada mereka (disebabkan tingkah-lakunya, janganlah kamu terburu-buru menceraikannya), kerana boleh jadi kamu bencikan sesuatu, sedang Allah hendak menjadikan pada apa yang kamu benci itu kebaikan yang banyak (untuk kamu).” (An-Nisaa’:19)
Rasulullah s.a.w. pula telah menghuraikan perkara ini dengan terperinci dan praktikal yang kamu boleh laksanakan dengan segera. Kamu yang mesti laksanakan, bukan dia (isteri kamu) kerana kamu adalah pengemudi, kamu yang bertanggungjawab. Baginda bersabda maksudnya: “Janganlah seorang mu’min itu (suami) membenci seorang mu’minah (isterinya) kerana boleh jadi dia tidak suka pada sesuatu perangainya, dia suka perangainya yang lain”. Maksudnya di sini, jika kamu melihat sesuatu yang tidak ada kaitan dengan prinsip-prinsip iman, maka kamu mesti mengubah mood kamu sendiri, sehingga kamu dapat melihat dan mengiktiraf kelebihannya dari aspek yang lain yang pastinya terlalu banyak yang kamu sukai. Maka dengan itu perasaan benci dengan segera akan bertukar menjadi sayang.
Aku ingin mengingatkan kamu satu maklumat yang simple yang kadang-kadang kita lupa. Tidakkah zakat fitrah isteri kamu, anak-anak dan khadam kamu yang bayar walaupun isteri kamu seorang yang kaya raya? Itu merupakan lambang pertanggungjawaban yang dipikulkan ke atas kamu kerana itu bukan zakat harta. Zakat harta yang dimiliknya adalah tanggungjawab dia sendiri. Dia yang mesti tunaikan secara berasingan daripada kamu. Awas kamu! Jangan ambil sedikitpun daripada hartanya tanpa izinnya dan jangan halang dia berbuat baik kepada keluarganya mengikut sukanya. Jika kamu berbuat demikian maka hisab kamu di sisi Allah amat sukar. Allah mengharamkan kezaliman ke atas diriNya dan menjadikan kezaliman itu haram ke atas sesama hambaNya.
Jadilah kamu orang yang sentiasa setia kepada isteri kamu kerana Rasulullah s.a.w. sentiasa setia kepada isterinya Khadijah r.a., kesetiaan yang sungguh indah sehingga selepas Khadijah meninggal dunia. Ia menjadi contoh bagi seluruh umat manusia. Begitu juga baginda tidak menyembunyikan perasaan cintanya kepada Aishah r.a. ketika baginda ditanya siapakah manusia yang paling baginda cintai. Maka dengan spontan baginda menjawab dengan terang dan tegasa: “Aishah!” Lalu sahabat berkata bahawa mereka bukan tanya tentang wanita, dan sekali lagi baginda menjawab: “Ayahnya!”. Baginda tidak berkata “Abu Bakar”, sebaliknya berkata: “Ayahnya”. Ia memberikan gambaran hubungan mesra dan intim antara baginda dan Aishah dan secara tidak langsung menggambarkan kedudukan Abu Bakar di sisi baginda.
Adakah kamu fikir ada ungkapan yang lebih indah daripada ini bagi menggambarkan rasa cinta seorang suami kepada isterinya? Unggkapan yang begitu tulus lahir dari bibir suami pastinya mampu memadam apa-apa kesilapan dan perselisihan antara kamu berdua.
Seandainya masalah yang kamu hadapi, na’uzubillah, sudah sampai ke tahap bercerai, dan cerai adalah perkara halal yang paling dibenci Allah, isteri yang diceraikan itu berhak tinggal di rumah kamu, hak yang ditentukan sendiri oleh Allah, agar dengan keberadaannya di rumah itu, hati kamu dan hatinya akan jadi lembut, dan perselisihan yang berlaku sebelumnya akan lebur. Tidakkah kamu nampak, dalam keadaan yang begitu genting sekalipun, Allah tetap menghendaki kamu melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan sebaik mungkin. Perhatikan ayat-ayat berkaitan dengan talaq, kebanyakannya dibasahi dengan ciri-ciri kelembutan dan kebajikan. Lihat surah at-Talaq ayat 1 hingga 3.
Akhirnya jangan kamu lupa wasiat perpisahan kekasih kita s.a.w. “Hendaklah kamu berpesan agar berbuat baik kepada wanita…”. Sungguh mengkagumkan, wasiat ini digandingkan dengan wasiat supaya menjaga solat. Tidakkah kamu rasa bahawa ia merupakan suatu perkara yang sangat penting?
Justeru, wahai saudaraku para suami, di manapun kamu dan dalam keadaan apapun,
maka setia dan setialah kepada isteri kamu!
Berbuat baik dan berbuat baiklah kepada isteri kamu!
Beri perhatian dan beri perhatianlah kepada perasaan isteri kamu!
Berbakti dan berbaktilah kepada keluarga isteri kamu!
Bantu dan bantulah isteri kamu untuk berbakti kepada keluarganya.
Bawalah isteri kamu memikul bersama kamu beban keluarga dan beban dakwah. Jadikan dia sandaran belakang kamu supaya dia dapat berjalan seiring kamu sambil membawa risalah dakwah yang diwajibkan Allah ke atas kamu.
Awas dan awas daripada mengambil hartanya tanpa kerelaannya. Adapun jika dia rela, Allah telah jelaskan hukumnya di dalam firmanNya yang bermaksud: “… Kemudian jika mereka dengan suka hatinya memberikan kepada kamu sebahagian dari mas kahwinnya maka makanlah (gunakanlah) pemberian (yang halal) itu sebagai nikmat yang lazat, lagi baik kesudahannya. (An-Nisaa’:4)
Ingat neraka dan neraka! Selamatkan isteri kamu darinya. “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Peliharalah diri kamu dan keluarga kamu dari Neraka…” (At-Tahrim:6)
Ingat syurga dan syurga. Bawalah dia bersama kamu serta anak-anaknya. “Mereka dengan pasangan-pasangan mereka bersukaria di tempat yang teduh, sambil duduk berbaring di atas pelamin;” (Ya Sin:56)
Dan ingatlah juga bahawa orang yang terbaik dalam kalangan kita ialah yang paling baik kepada isterinya. Dan sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w. orang yang paling baik kepada isterinya dalam kalangan seluruh umat manusia. Maka adakah kita mencontohinya?
Akhirnya, Rasulullah s.a.w. menamakan kamu suami yang mulia (zauj karim) selama kamu melaksanakan wasiatnya yang bermaksudnya: “Tidak memuliakan wanita kecuali orang (suami) yang mulia, dan tidak menghina wanita kecuali orang yang tercela!”.
Maka jadilah kamu wahai saudaraku suami muslim yang mulia. Semoga Allah berkati kamu pada isteri kamu, harta kamu dan anak-anak kamu. Semoga Allah rahmati ibu bapa kamu dan ibu bapa isteri kamu sama ada mereka masih hidup di dunia ini atau telah berpindah ke alam abadi. Semoga Allah himpunkan kamu berdua dalam kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Semoga Allah berkati zuriat kamu berdua.
Sesungguhnya aku telah berbicara kepada para isteri dalam muktamar lepas dengan membawakan satu Hadis yang menjamin pahala untuk mereka, iaitu seorang wanita yang melayan suami dengan baik pahalanya menyamai jihad, solat jamaah, solat jumaat dan mengiringi jenazah. Dan redanya kamu kepada mereka merupakan pintu untuk mereka masuk syurga.
Aku berharap kamu tidak lupa kepada kami dalam doa-doa kamu yang baik-baik.
Was-salamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Saudara kamu,
Dr. Muhammad Badi’
Murshid Am Ikhwan Muslimin.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Persediaan untuk Kelahiran Secara C-section / Ceaser (Revised)
"Artikel" ini hasil tulisan Jean Chuah (admin fb page ICAN Malaysia: International Ceaserean Awareness Network)
Jean Chuah commented:
For my case, I reminded myself that this birth is baby's birthday. Cesarean or not, I will make sure mummy and baby get the best that we can out of a *surgical birth. I saw that we needed to do a cesarean sec due to footling breech, but I still can do alot of things to make it a nicer world for baby's first day in this world. Here's how:
1. Allowed birth to trigger naturally. It will release beautiful hormones called oxitocyn which will transfer to my baby. Also, it ensures that my baby is really “full term” and ready to come out. (My doctor persuaded me to do an elective c-sec at 37 weeks, but I wanted birth to trigger naturally so I asked for an elective c-sec at week 39 just to buy time. In the end, baby knows best... Javern decided that he is ready to come out at week 38, and I was happy that I experienced contractions and labour sensations before going for c-sec)
Ulasan: walaupun dia membuat pilihan untuk melalui c-section, tetapi dia memilih agar c-section di lakukan SELEPAS kontraksi BERMULA SENDIRI kerana selain dari footling breech, kehamilan Jean tidak ada memberi sebab medikal untuk dia di bedah lebih awal mahupun di "induce". Sila semak artikel ini dari mengenai mengenal pasti sebab keperluan induce atau tidak
1. I talked to baby and tell him that doctor will do a surgery to bring him out. Baby can hear and understand. Also, I requested to listen to relaxation music in the OT. These familiar relaxation music will bring calmness to me and baby.
Ulasan: Dalam buku The Birth Book, Dr. William Sears dan isterinya R.N Martha Sears turut menasihati ibu2 agar membuat persediaan untuk memasuki bilik OT, sebabnya OT sangat sejuk dan jarang sekali ibu2 berasa selesa di dalam nya mahupun di endahkan oleh staff atau doktor ketika di dalam OT. Oleh itu di sini Jean telah membuat pilihan membuat request agar dia dapat berasa di tenangkan oleh music
2. When he is out I made sure that hubby follow the baby to the nursery and spend time with him, while I need to spend 1 hour in the recovery room after OT. My baby is new to this world ...imagine you were in a warm and secure place but suddenly come out into a whole new world. I told my hubby that he need to be there with baby, I am ok to be alone in the recovery room. I am an adult who knows how to comfort myself but my baby is new to everything.
Ulasan: Sebabnya Jean pilih agar suami nya menemani bayi nya dan bukan diri nya adalah kerana perbezaan antara kelahiran normal dan kelahiran c-section: dalam kelahiran c-section, ibu tersebut tidak dapat mendakap bayi nya serta merta mahupun menyusui nya. Oleh itu memadai jika ayah dapat berbuat begitu (mendakap jika bayi nangis) sementara ibu berehat sebentar sehingga dia cukup segar untuk mendakap dan menyusui bayi nya dengan bantuan
3. Another thing is that I requested is for vaccinations to be given the day after. If baby is healthy it is ok to wait one more day. He has been through alot on his first day.
Ulasan: 'Vaccinations' atau apa2 injection untuk bayi di pilih untuk di tangguhkan.
4. I requested them not to bathe the baby on the first day. I wanted baby's skin to absorb the nutrients from all the natural liquid covering him.
5. Unless there is a need, I requested NO eye ointment on baby to encourage optimal eye-to-eye bonding
Ulasan: Amalan ini (ubat mata dalam mata bayi baru lahir) tidak secara general di amalkan di semua hospital di Malaysia.
6. If baby is normal and breathing normally, no slapping the baby to make him cry for APGAR score
Ulasan: Ada sesetengah hospital mengamalkan 'memukul' bayi yang lahir sehingga menangis. Ini TIDAK WAJIB, terutama nya jika bayi sudah bernafas dengan baik.
7. Ask to bf asap when I reach the room. My thoughts were only focused on the baby. Some nurses asked me to rest but I understand my body well, I am still strong and I will only be happy when I attend to my baby's needs.
Ulasan: Ini lah antara KELEBIHAN membiarkan proses kelahiran bermula dengan sendiri nya (walaupun di bedah), iaitu inshaallah selepas pembedahan, badan anda telah merembeskan hormon yang menyebabkan anda berasa segar, oleh itu selepas berehat sebentar anda mampu menyusui anak dengan sedikit bantuan. Penafian: Walaubagaimana pun, kesan ini kadang kala bergantung pada badan wanita masing-masing dan bagaimana ibu tersebut telah mengendali kontraksi nya. Maklumat bagaimana untuk mengendali kontraksi dengan baik boleh di dapati dengan menimba ilmu di kelas persediaan melahirkan atau buku-buku gentle/natural birth. Untuk links kelas di malaysia, sila ke page Natural/Gentle birth di bahagian atas blog.
8. Baby room-in at all times. Even when he hv jaundice, I requested for the machine to be put beside my bed.
Ulasan: Konsep 'rooming-in' sepatutnya di amalkan oleh semua hospital kerajaan kerana mereka adalah 'hospital rakan bayi'. Tetapi tidak semua mengamalkan nya. Dan hospital swasta pula, tidak semua mengamalkan rooming-in; anda perlu membuat permintaan (request) kerana ia hak anda: bayi anda. Dan bayi sebenarnya akan lebih kurang menangis jika ia dekat dengan ibu nya. Sila semak artikel ini mengenai rooming-in dari
9. Oh yeah, please get informed about the surgery procedures for c-sec. They wanted to put the catherer inside me BEFORE epidural (for medical staff's convenience), and I insisted NO you only put it inside me AFTER epidural. Heck I am prepared to experience pain only if there is a reason for the pain. There is no reason for them to put in a catherer inside BEFORE epidural, other than for their own procedural convenience.
Ulasan: Badan anda adalah hak ANDA. Anda BERHAK meminta penerangan yang teliti mengenai prosedur pembedahan. Anda BERHAK mengutamakan diri anda seperti yang di contohkan oleh Jean di sini, pihak hospital mahu meletakkan catherer sebelum dia di beri epidural (lalu dia akan merasa sakit) kerana itu lebih memudahkan mereka. Jean memilih agar mereka memasang catherer SELEPAS dia di beri epidural. Anda berhak membuat pilihan, ia badan anda, bukan milik doktor atau hospital. Bertanya lah pada doktor dan maklumkan kepada mereka bahawa anda mahu di maklumkan mengenai prosedur agar anda dapat membuat pilihan seperti Jean di atas.
10. Breast crawl – On Day 3, baby did a breast crawl. I was asking an LC on tips to latch correctly, so she propped my baby on the middle of my upper chest and asked us to watch baby do the breast crawl. Newborn babies are able to do the breast crawl and latch properly due to their natural survival instinct. To this date, I still remember vividly every moment of the breast crawl.. how my baby was perched precariously at first but the managed to snuggle slowly to a comfortable position, how he wriggled slowly but surely to my breast, using only his sense of smell and natural survival instinct. I remember the way his head turned, his tiny fingers and its smooth skin touching my skin, and his mouth latching on to my breast perfectly, like he has breastfed for a thousand times before this. It was a very empowering and emotional moment for me.
Ulasan: Sila search untuk breast crawl di youtube :-) Perjalanan Penyusuan yang indah boleh bermula dengan baik walaupun dengan kelahiran melalui pembedahan.
All these helped to create a warm, loving and secure environment for my baby. I planned and requested for all this as part of his welcoming "gift".. welcoming him to this beautiful world :)
Ulasan: Ini lah hadiah dari Jean untuk Javern semasa hari lahirnya :-)
Selamat melahirkan wahai ibu-ibu yang barokah (di berkati Allah) :-)
Untuk maklumat lanjut, anda boleh ke fb page ICAN Malaysia
(Ulasan saya berwarna biru)
- surgical birth: kelahiran melalui pembedahan
- footling breech: apabila kaki janin berasa di pintu rahim, samada satu kaki atau kedua-dua nya dan punggung lebih tinggi dari kaki. sila rujuk gambar untuk contoh
- Javern: nama bayi Jean Chuah
- asap: as soon as possible
- rooming-in: bayi yang baru lahir di letakkan dalam bilik bersama ibu nya dan bukan di letakkan di nurseri/bilik bayi
![]() | (salah satu contoh FOOTLING BREECH) |
Jean Chuah commented:
For my case, I reminded myself that this birth is baby's birthday. Cesarean or not, I will make sure mummy and baby get the best that we can out of a *surgical birth. I saw that we needed to do a cesarean sec due to footling breech, but I still can do alot of things to make it a nicer world for baby's first day in this world. Here's how:
1. Allowed birth to trigger naturally. It will release beautiful hormones called oxitocyn which will transfer to my baby. Also, it ensures that my baby is really “full term” and ready to come out. (My doctor persuaded me to do an elective c-sec at 37 weeks, but I wanted birth to trigger naturally so I asked for an elective c-sec at week 39 just to buy time. In the end, baby knows best... Javern decided that he is ready to come out at week 38, and I was happy that I experienced contractions and labour sensations before going for c-sec)
Ulasan: walaupun dia membuat pilihan untuk melalui c-section, tetapi dia memilih agar c-section di lakukan SELEPAS kontraksi BERMULA SENDIRI kerana selain dari footling breech, kehamilan Jean tidak ada memberi sebab medikal untuk dia di bedah lebih awal mahupun di "induce". Sila semak artikel ini dari mengenai mengenal pasti sebab keperluan induce atau tidak
1. I talked to baby and tell him that doctor will do a surgery to bring him out. Baby can hear and understand. Also, I requested to listen to relaxation music in the OT. These familiar relaxation music will bring calmness to me and baby.
Ulasan: Dalam buku The Birth Book, Dr. William Sears dan isterinya R.N Martha Sears turut menasihati ibu2 agar membuat persediaan untuk memasuki bilik OT, sebabnya OT sangat sejuk dan jarang sekali ibu2 berasa selesa di dalam nya mahupun di endahkan oleh staff atau doktor ketika di dalam OT. Oleh itu di sini Jean telah membuat pilihan membuat request agar dia dapat berasa di tenangkan oleh music
2. When he is out I made sure that hubby follow the baby to the nursery and spend time with him, while I need to spend 1 hour in the recovery room after OT. My baby is new to this world ...imagine you were in a warm and secure place but suddenly come out into a whole new world. I told my hubby that he need to be there with baby, I am ok to be alone in the recovery room. I am an adult who knows how to comfort myself but my baby is new to everything.
Ulasan: Sebabnya Jean pilih agar suami nya menemani bayi nya dan bukan diri nya adalah kerana perbezaan antara kelahiran normal dan kelahiran c-section: dalam kelahiran c-section, ibu tersebut tidak dapat mendakap bayi nya serta merta mahupun menyusui nya. Oleh itu memadai jika ayah dapat berbuat begitu (mendakap jika bayi nangis) sementara ibu berehat sebentar sehingga dia cukup segar untuk mendakap dan menyusui bayi nya dengan bantuan
3. Another thing is that I requested is for vaccinations to be given the day after. If baby is healthy it is ok to wait one more day. He has been through alot on his first day.
Ulasan: 'Vaccinations' atau apa2 injection untuk bayi di pilih untuk di tangguhkan.
4. I requested them not to bathe the baby on the first day. I wanted baby's skin to absorb the nutrients from all the natural liquid covering him.
5. Unless there is a need, I requested NO eye ointment on baby to encourage optimal eye-to-eye bonding
Ulasan: Amalan ini (ubat mata dalam mata bayi baru lahir) tidak secara general di amalkan di semua hospital di Malaysia.
6. If baby is normal and breathing normally, no slapping the baby to make him cry for APGAR score
Ulasan: Ada sesetengah hospital mengamalkan 'memukul' bayi yang lahir sehingga menangis. Ini TIDAK WAJIB, terutama nya jika bayi sudah bernafas dengan baik.
7. Ask to bf asap when I reach the room. My thoughts were only focused on the baby. Some nurses asked me to rest but I understand my body well, I am still strong and I will only be happy when I attend to my baby's needs.
Ulasan: Ini lah antara KELEBIHAN membiarkan proses kelahiran bermula dengan sendiri nya (walaupun di bedah), iaitu inshaallah selepas pembedahan, badan anda telah merembeskan hormon yang menyebabkan anda berasa segar, oleh itu selepas berehat sebentar anda mampu menyusui anak dengan sedikit bantuan. Penafian: Walaubagaimana pun, kesan ini kadang kala bergantung pada badan wanita masing-masing dan bagaimana ibu tersebut telah mengendali kontraksi nya. Maklumat bagaimana untuk mengendali kontraksi dengan baik boleh di dapati dengan menimba ilmu di kelas persediaan melahirkan atau buku-buku gentle/natural birth. Untuk links kelas di malaysia, sila ke page Natural/Gentle birth di bahagian atas blog.
8. Baby room-in at all times. Even when he hv jaundice, I requested for the machine to be put beside my bed.
Ulasan: Konsep 'rooming-in' sepatutnya di amalkan oleh semua hospital kerajaan kerana mereka adalah 'hospital rakan bayi'. Tetapi tidak semua mengamalkan nya. Dan hospital swasta pula, tidak semua mengamalkan rooming-in; anda perlu membuat permintaan (request) kerana ia hak anda: bayi anda. Dan bayi sebenarnya akan lebih kurang menangis jika ia dekat dengan ibu nya. Sila semak artikel ini mengenai rooming-in dari
9. Oh yeah, please get informed about the surgery procedures for c-sec. They wanted to put the catherer inside me BEFORE epidural (for medical staff's convenience), and I insisted NO you only put it inside me AFTER epidural. Heck I am prepared to experience pain only if there is a reason for the pain. There is no reason for them to put in a catherer inside BEFORE epidural, other than for their own procedural convenience.
Ulasan: Badan anda adalah hak ANDA. Anda BERHAK meminta penerangan yang teliti mengenai prosedur pembedahan. Anda BERHAK mengutamakan diri anda seperti yang di contohkan oleh Jean di sini, pihak hospital mahu meletakkan catherer sebelum dia di beri epidural (lalu dia akan merasa sakit) kerana itu lebih memudahkan mereka. Jean memilih agar mereka memasang catherer SELEPAS dia di beri epidural. Anda berhak membuat pilihan, ia badan anda, bukan milik doktor atau hospital. Bertanya lah pada doktor dan maklumkan kepada mereka bahawa anda mahu di maklumkan mengenai prosedur agar anda dapat membuat pilihan seperti Jean di atas.
10. Breast crawl – On Day 3, baby did a breast crawl. I was asking an LC on tips to latch correctly, so she propped my baby on the middle of my upper chest and asked us to watch baby do the breast crawl. Newborn babies are able to do the breast crawl and latch properly due to their natural survival instinct. To this date, I still remember vividly every moment of the breast crawl.. how my baby was perched precariously at first but the managed to snuggle slowly to a comfortable position, how he wriggled slowly but surely to my breast, using only his sense of smell and natural survival instinct. I remember the way his head turned, his tiny fingers and its smooth skin touching my skin, and his mouth latching on to my breast perfectly, like he has breastfed for a thousand times before this. It was a very empowering and emotional moment for me.
Ulasan: Sila search untuk breast crawl di youtube :-) Perjalanan Penyusuan yang indah boleh bermula dengan baik walaupun dengan kelahiran melalui pembedahan.
All these helped to create a warm, loving and secure environment for my baby. I planned and requested for all this as part of his welcoming "gift".. welcoming him to this beautiful world :)
Ulasan: Ini lah hadiah dari Jean untuk Javern semasa hari lahirnya :-)
Selamat melahirkan wahai ibu-ibu yang barokah (di berkati Allah) :-)
Untuk maklumat lanjut, anda boleh ke fb page ICAN Malaysia
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Songs that hit home
I'll stand by you - The Pretenders
From this moment - Shania Twain
If tomorrow never comes - Garth Brooks
Secret Garden - Bruce Springsteen
You're still the one - Shania Twain
Open Arms - Mariah Carey
Waiting to exhale - Whitney Houston
Have you ever - Brandy
Monday, July 4, 2011
Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 4
Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 4
The episode starts with a clip labeled “Revelation 13” (anyone who knows where this is obtained from, please enlighten me). After which, the producers related this clip to the design of the British ‘Royal Coat of Arms’. The symbol is then explained by a voice-over, as to its relevance to the state of Israel and the Antichrist.
Next, it presents the companies, products and places that use it as a symbol, which includes a clip taken with a camera-phone. Then, the quote “veni, vidi, vici” is somewhat related to another occult symbol (skull and bones) and to who and what it represents. The producers went on to the question of just how popular those symbols are today without offering the answer as to what is their relevance to the former quote or symbol.
The next question posed is: who are those who are in control of (various) industries? Though some of the previous material may be a little ambiguous, the next one is very important: the pyramid or plan that explains how society is categorized in order to be controlled. To break free from the system, those equipped with purchasing power is suggested to rethink “which corporation they finance”. An example is given and explained.
This episode ends with a “brief introduction” to just how “powerful” the Zionist and the Illuminati have made themselves through leaders and corporations. The awareness about one’s purchasing power and how they manipulate it to their benefit is only slightly emphasized before the episode is concluded.
The fact that needs to be understood by viewers is that the evil behind what the producers try to unravel and explain is not something new and haphazardly planned. It dates back to the very moment man was created and repeated significantly in the stories of the prophets.
But religion has been downplayed so that those stories and the reminders that come from God are not given much importance, attention or priority in life. Religion is just a hobby, which some people are into, while some are not. The evil behind what the producers try to unravel are in fact, very “religious”! They couldn’t have carefully carried out their well-planned plan if they weren’t so.
This is why the series and its contents, information, clips, images and ‘exposures’ may seem like utter nonsense to many. Because without firm faith, one will have nothing to fall back on. But in this case, they do. They will fall for everything and anything except religion. And this benefits the people who planned this scheme.
In this episode, the narrator explains how the symbol of the British ‘Royal Coat of Arms’ has Hebrew/Biblical origins relevant to the Antichrist, instead of more Godly themes and characters, such as the roaring lion taken from this Biblical verse:“Your adversary the Devil, as a roaring Lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (Peter 5:8)
This episode includes a clip taken with the camera-phone, which would seem highly amateurish to some, but I believe that the message is more important.This episode also presents the ‘system’ of control:
This is the first episode which introduces one of the solutions to break free from their system; for those with purchasing power to channel their money elsewhere (than to those directly or indirectly connected to the illuminati and Zionists).
The producers chose to highlight one key company: Starbucks.
Most of these companies will deny the association while their local franchisees will claim that boycotting them means to deprive our own local people of work. (McDonalds Malaysia used this strategy once when people wanted to boycott them in order to save Palestine) These bodies will also claim to have done much charity, supporting and promoting peace and goodwill. This will cause doubt, confusion but worse of all; the continuous concealment of the truth.
People who are ‘busy’ have no time to search for the truth. So what happens to this situation? People just go on with their lives. Not knowing what is true and what is not. But it becomes worse if they go on with their lives in a state of being deceived, of being told lies as the truth. And never making time and allowance to clear away the confusion and obscurity.
Who wins in this situation?
In this world that we live in, though no human is ‘complete evil’ or ‘complete good’, but there is one complete evil. And there is no good side to him at all.The one who seems to be winning in this situation is the liar, who obscures lies and evil and entraps or deceives others into becoming their obedient slaves: slaves cannot exist without being dependent on the master.
“There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejects false deities (Thogut) and believes in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.” Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 256
In this call to re-think and re-channel our money to bodies other than those which contribute to Israel, more attention-worthy is the call to understand how we have been fashioned into doing so and why have we been made to become supporters of Israel. This information is very important for all to know; what is so important about that specific geographic location? The answer could not be obtained unless we are willing to truly acknowledge the stories presented to us in Holy Scriptures.
A society needs control or more accurately rules and regulations in order to function, but what viewers must understand is the evil plan and oppression behind this particular control system. How bad has been made to look and be accepted as good. How oppression is conditioned into our minds as being a natural part of life. What bad? What evil? What oppression? My point exactly.
To be continued...
The episode starts with a clip labeled “Revelation 13” (anyone who knows where this is obtained from, please enlighten me). After which, the producers related this clip to the design of the British ‘Royal Coat of Arms’. The symbol is then explained by a voice-over, as to its relevance to the state of Israel and the Antichrist.
Next, it presents the companies, products and places that use it as a symbol, which includes a clip taken with a camera-phone. Then, the quote “veni, vidi, vici” is somewhat related to another occult symbol (skull and bones) and to who and what it represents. The producers went on to the question of just how popular those symbols are today without offering the answer as to what is their relevance to the former quote or symbol.
The next question posed is: who are those who are in control of (various) industries? Though some of the previous material may be a little ambiguous, the next one is very important: the pyramid or plan that explains how society is categorized in order to be controlled. To break free from the system, those equipped with purchasing power is suggested to rethink “which corporation they finance”. An example is given and explained.
This episode ends with a “brief introduction” to just how “powerful” the Zionist and the Illuminati have made themselves through leaders and corporations. The awareness about one’s purchasing power and how they manipulate it to their benefit is only slightly emphasized before the episode is concluded.
The fact that needs to be understood by viewers is that the evil behind what the producers try to unravel and explain is not something new and haphazardly planned. It dates back to the very moment man was created and repeated significantly in the stories of the prophets.
But religion has been downplayed so that those stories and the reminders that come from God are not given much importance, attention or priority in life. Religion is just a hobby, which some people are into, while some are not. The evil behind what the producers try to unravel are in fact, very “religious”! They couldn’t have carefully carried out their well-planned plan if they weren’t so.
This is why the series and its contents, information, clips, images and ‘exposures’ may seem like utter nonsense to many. Because without firm faith, one will have nothing to fall back on. But in this case, they do. They will fall for everything and anything except religion. And this benefits the people who planned this scheme.
In this episode, the narrator explains how the symbol of the British ‘Royal Coat of Arms’ has Hebrew/Biblical origins relevant to the Antichrist, instead of more Godly themes and characters, such as the roaring lion taken from this Biblical verse:“Your adversary the Devil, as a roaring Lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (Peter 5:8)
This episode includes a clip taken with the camera-phone, which would seem highly amateurish to some, but I believe that the message is more important.This episode also presents the ‘system’ of control:
- “The eye”. Representing the Antichrist or Al-Masih Al-Dajjal (The False Messiah)
- World monarch
- Crown council of 13 (world’s riches, most powerful families)
- Committee of 300 (world’s riches, most powerful sub-families)
- Think tanks.
- World financial control by means of controlling bodies such as IMF, Central Banks, Tax revenue, interest revenue, etc.
- World resource control by means of controlling corporations such as NYSE, Exxon, AT & T, etc.
- World population control by means of controlling Governments, Religious Bodies, the media.
- Debt slaves.
This is the first episode which introduces one of the solutions to break free from their system; for those with purchasing power to channel their money elsewhere (than to those directly or indirectly connected to the illuminati and Zionists).
The producers chose to highlight one key company: Starbucks.
Most of these companies will deny the association while their local franchisees will claim that boycotting them means to deprive our own local people of work. (McDonalds Malaysia used this strategy once when people wanted to boycott them in order to save Palestine) These bodies will also claim to have done much charity, supporting and promoting peace and goodwill. This will cause doubt, confusion but worse of all; the continuous concealment of the truth.
People who are ‘busy’ have no time to search for the truth. So what happens to this situation? People just go on with their lives. Not knowing what is true and what is not. But it becomes worse if they go on with their lives in a state of being deceived, of being told lies as the truth. And never making time and allowance to clear away the confusion and obscurity.
Who wins in this situation?
In this world that we live in, though no human is ‘complete evil’ or ‘complete good’, but there is one complete evil. And there is no good side to him at all.The one who seems to be winning in this situation is the liar, who obscures lies and evil and entraps or deceives others into becoming their obedient slaves: slaves cannot exist without being dependent on the master.
“There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejects false deities (Thogut) and believes in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.” Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 256
In this call to re-think and re-channel our money to bodies other than those which contribute to Israel, more attention-worthy is the call to understand how we have been fashioned into doing so and why have we been made to become supporters of Israel. This information is very important for all to know; what is so important about that specific geographic location? The answer could not be obtained unless we are willing to truly acknowledge the stories presented to us in Holy Scriptures.
A society needs control or more accurately rules and regulations in order to function, but what viewers must understand is the evil plan and oppression behind this particular control system. How bad has been made to look and be accepted as good. How oppression is conditioned into our minds as being a natural part of life. What bad? What evil? What oppression? My point exactly.
To be continued...
Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 3
Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 3
The presentation on how the media is used to control and indoctrinate minds continues, with a focus on how they start with the very young, i.e children. This includes the popularization of singers, sex-related female magazines, and most importantly, even cartoons.
It also shares with us who owns most of the (popular) media in the world, to which most of us are die-hard, loyal consumers of. In the last few scenes, the producers tries to describe one of the effects of the popular media (sexual promiscuity) by including a clip from a show in which the host reveals that none of the male guests (who we presume must have slept with the female guest) is the father of her child.
*In the beginning of the episode, the producers have stated that this is an ‘R’ rated episode. I have edited this episode in order not to include the material which is too obscene, only to include a small part of it in order not to lose its message.
*For those who don’t know, ‘Ashkenazi’ is a term loosely used to describe a German or European Jew, i.e. Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, etc.
This subject matter has always been a controversial one. I am of the opinion that it is ‘controversial’ due only to the fact that the people who control the media has succeeded in making a majority of people their loyal consumers; or their die-hard supporters; their unpaid army to fight for ‘their cause’, of which that loyal consumer believes that he or she is merely defending something he or she ‘loves’ or ‘prizes’.
I say this because to talk about the end of the world, the antichrist, the illuminati and other relevant subjects often includes an ‘attack’ on popular, “well-loved” stars and other popular, well-loved and “well-supported” figures, being especially celebrities.
It is very sad that many people will spend much of their time and money for the love of their “idols” that are created by the selfish deceivers, defend this behaviour of theirs and yet still claim that they put God at His place, that they love God much.As far as I’m concerned, someone who is much in love would frequently talk about his or her loved one, desiring to be near him or her and constantly in contact with him or her.
Then comes this argument: we’re not religious. Does that mean that to be religious means to love God much, and not being religious means not loving God much?I wish to highlight this very point: When you don’t love God as much as you love something else (just as you obsessively love something), then what do you love? What does it mean to love and what happens when you’re in love? Why shouldn’t the same type of behaviour apply to loving God? Do you have a private definition of how God should be loved? And most importantly, did God Himself describe a way to love Him?
“Say (O Muhammad, to mankind): “If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Surah Ali Imran, verse 31.
“And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others beside Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else). If only, those who do wrong could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment.” Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 165.
This is what the evil, selfish and arrogant deceivers have reduced religion to: some sort fan club you are forced to be in. Being a Muslim is means merely the word Islam on one’s identity card and “celebrating” rituals, to study and to humble oneself to the rules and regulations of Allah is to be “religious” and “Islamic”, the two most feared words in the hip and happenin’ world out there. It just ain’t cool. If you’re Islamic, you’re scary and have no fun.
THAT’S what they have reduced religion and Islam to.This episode (and the former episode) tries to highlight how all the mediums of the media, especially electronic and printed and others have been exhausted to create ‘an open prison’ of our minds.
People in prison are strictly controlled and do not control. What is the use of their minds to them? Nothing. Because they are in prison, supposedly causing no benefit or disadvantage to anybody, otherwise used to cause it.I am glad that the producers have chosen mind control to begin this series with, though it is indeed a very hard pill to swallow. Think about it (pun very much intended).
The presentation on how the media is used to control and indoctrinate minds continues, with a focus on how they start with the very young, i.e children. This includes the popularization of singers, sex-related female magazines, and most importantly, even cartoons.
It also shares with us who owns most of the (popular) media in the world, to which most of us are die-hard, loyal consumers of. In the last few scenes, the producers tries to describe one of the effects of the popular media (sexual promiscuity) by including a clip from a show in which the host reveals that none of the male guests (who we presume must have slept with the female guest) is the father of her child.
*In the beginning of the episode, the producers have stated that this is an ‘R’ rated episode. I have edited this episode in order not to include the material which is too obscene, only to include a small part of it in order not to lose its message.
*For those who don’t know, ‘Ashkenazi’ is a term loosely used to describe a German or European Jew, i.e. Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, etc.
This subject matter has always been a controversial one. I am of the opinion that it is ‘controversial’ due only to the fact that the people who control the media has succeeded in making a majority of people their loyal consumers; or their die-hard supporters; their unpaid army to fight for ‘their cause’, of which that loyal consumer believes that he or she is merely defending something he or she ‘loves’ or ‘prizes’.
I say this because to talk about the end of the world, the antichrist, the illuminati and other relevant subjects often includes an ‘attack’ on popular, “well-loved” stars and other popular, well-loved and “well-supported” figures, being especially celebrities.
It is very sad that many people will spend much of their time and money for the love of their “idols” that are created by the selfish deceivers, defend this behaviour of theirs and yet still claim that they put God at His place, that they love God much.As far as I’m concerned, someone who is much in love would frequently talk about his or her loved one, desiring to be near him or her and constantly in contact with him or her.
Then comes this argument: we’re not religious. Does that mean that to be religious means to love God much, and not being religious means not loving God much?I wish to highlight this very point: When you don’t love God as much as you love something else (just as you obsessively love something), then what do you love? What does it mean to love and what happens when you’re in love? Why shouldn’t the same type of behaviour apply to loving God? Do you have a private definition of how God should be loved? And most importantly, did God Himself describe a way to love Him?
“Say (O Muhammad, to mankind): “If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Surah Ali Imran, verse 31.
“And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others beside Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else). If only, those who do wrong could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in punishment.” Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 165.
This is what the evil, selfish and arrogant deceivers have reduced religion to: some sort fan club you are forced to be in. Being a Muslim is means merely the word Islam on one’s identity card and “celebrating” rituals, to study and to humble oneself to the rules and regulations of Allah is to be “religious” and “Islamic”, the two most feared words in the hip and happenin’ world out there. It just ain’t cool. If you’re Islamic, you’re scary and have no fun.
THAT’S what they have reduced religion and Islam to.This episode (and the former episode) tries to highlight how all the mediums of the media, especially electronic and printed and others have been exhausted to create ‘an open prison’ of our minds.
People in prison are strictly controlled and do not control. What is the use of their minds to them? Nothing. Because they are in prison, supposedly causing no benefit or disadvantage to anybody, otherwise used to cause it.I am glad that the producers have chosen mind control to begin this series with, though it is indeed a very hard pill to swallow. Think about it (pun very much intended).
Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 2
Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 2
If this series was a lecture, the lesson begins from this episode and it starts with the chapter titled: Mind Control. It features several clips of George Carlin. It also features another clip as added narration on Mind Control, plus the rest are images to further emphasize and describe the tools used in Mind Control.
I would like to very much encourage viewers to embark on a personal/independent research on the information presented in this series. This is especially so if it is the first time they have been exposed to such information. Let it be known that all this information has been revealed and presented by various writers across the globe such as Sulaiman Nordin (Malaysia), Matthias Chang (Malaysia), etc.
In line with the subject matter of this episode, I would like to remind viewers not to be “distracted” by the hustle and bustle of working life and its “haven”: entertainment. The producers of this series has chosen a “unique” way of revealing how we have been programmed or moulded so that our lives are subjected to being a meaningless machine. Though “unique”, hopefully it is also very eloquent to describe the important points.
For this episode, George Carlin’s performance was featured to relate the points. George Carlin is a stand-up comedian. Isn’t it ironic that people listen to a stand-up comedian sputtering Truth, and laughing at it? Even the truth has to be entertaining, and even then, it still may not be taken seriously.
How so very true is God’s words that worldly life is nothing but brief entertainment:
“And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun. Will you not then understand?” Surah Al-An’am 6:32
To quote George Carlin from this episode, “I got this real moron thing I do, it’s called thinking”.
And how many times has Allah said in the Qur’an, “for those who reflect/think?”
Other quotes from this episode that deserve your attention are:
“They want obedient workers”
“Being in a prison cell where you can see the bars and touch it, the other one is sitting there in a prison cell and you can’t see the bars and you think you’re free.”
“The greatest hypnotist on planet earth is a small oblong box in the corner of the room”
“The threat of a free-thinking mind”
Some viewers may find the repetition of the Cosmopolitan magazine to be discriminating, but this is easily resolved by focusing on the message instead of the image.
Some questions to ponder upon:
If this series was a lecture, the lesson begins from this episode and it starts with the chapter titled: Mind Control. It features several clips of George Carlin. It also features another clip as added narration on Mind Control, plus the rest are images to further emphasize and describe the tools used in Mind Control.
I would like to very much encourage viewers to embark on a personal/independent research on the information presented in this series. This is especially so if it is the first time they have been exposed to such information. Let it be known that all this information has been revealed and presented by various writers across the globe such as Sulaiman Nordin (Malaysia), Matthias Chang (Malaysia), etc.
In line with the subject matter of this episode, I would like to remind viewers not to be “distracted” by the hustle and bustle of working life and its “haven”: entertainment. The producers of this series has chosen a “unique” way of revealing how we have been programmed or moulded so that our lives are subjected to being a meaningless machine. Though “unique”, hopefully it is also very eloquent to describe the important points.
For this episode, George Carlin’s performance was featured to relate the points. George Carlin is a stand-up comedian. Isn’t it ironic that people listen to a stand-up comedian sputtering Truth, and laughing at it? Even the truth has to be entertaining, and even then, it still may not be taken seriously.
How so very true is God’s words that worldly life is nothing but brief entertainment:
“And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun. Will you not then understand?” Surah Al-An’am 6:32
To quote George Carlin from this episode, “I got this real moron thing I do, it’s called thinking”.
And how many times has Allah said in the Qur’an, “for those who reflect/think?”
Other quotes from this episode that deserve your attention are:
“They want obedient workers”
“Being in a prison cell where you can see the bars and touch it, the other one is sitting there in a prison cell and you can’t see the bars and you think you’re free.”
“The greatest hypnotist on planet earth is a small oblong box in the corner of the room”
“The threat of a free-thinking mind”
Some viewers may find the repetition of the Cosmopolitan magazine to be discriminating, but this is easily resolved by focusing on the message instead of the image.
Some questions to ponder upon:
- Is it easy to accept that we actually have been conditioned to fit into a certain mould, as a selfish person with selfish goals wants it?
- Is it easy to accept that there actually exists a group of elites which push and pulls the strings of all the things that goes into society in order to fashion society into a ‘machine’ that works solely for their benefit?
- Is it very hard to believe? But even if we are able to believe it, are we able to make a paradigm shift and resist the way we have been conditioned and start anew, even if slowly?
Summary & Comments for The Arrivals Episode 1
Summary & Comments for The Arrivals Episode 1
*Important: Please note the geographical and historical significance of Palestine in the arrival of the anti-Christ. Why is Palestine so significant? Follow this documentary series or read up about it, you will know!
Two Quranic verses are presented, plus a history of the Knights Templar and a description of the Illuminati without mentioning their name.
To fully capture the significance of the Quranic verse(s) presented in this episode, viewers need to delay any judgment or prejudice. In fact, most if not all information such as these (“Truth”) need to be absorbed slowly, with personal motivation to embark on independent research and reflection and if applicable, experiment, before finally accepting it as the undeniable truth. A process I dare say is not very common in any educational institution nowadays or anywhere else, for that matter.
Something not very ‘fun’ and entertaining for today’s society. How would most people react to statements such as this:“From the shadows, they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you read, and everything you see.”It would seem as if they were in a movie.
It’s too ‘bogus’ for real life.The ‘bogus’ starts in this episode. I am saying it this way not because I believe it to be bogus, but because it will definitely seem like bogus to many. In all the stories passed down to us, there have been none as irresistible as the battle between good and evil.
From fairy tales (Snow White vs. Evil Queen), to contemporary literature (Peter Pan vs. Captain Hook), to basically everything else. But because we have been repetitively fed with them as fiction and entertainment, we treat and view them as entertainment and even when it is presented as truth, we skeptically brush them off as bogus and nonsense, AND actually revel the lies and deception presented as truth!It is arguable though, that in real life (as opposed to ‘reel life’) ‘good’ and ‘bad’ is subjective.
Nobody is pure good or pure evil, as characters are sometimes portrayed in fairy tales, books, movies, etc. However, nobody should deny that there is one purely evil creature; and that is the Devil or Shaitan. And it is this arrogant creature full of hatred and schemes, which tries to blur the clear distinction between good and bad by mixing a bit of both, and other similar schemes.
“And O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in Paradise, and eat thereof as you both wish, but approach not this tree otherwise you both will be of the Zalimun (unjust and wrong-doers).”
“Then Shaitan whispered suggestions to them both in order to uncover hat which was hidden from them of their private parts (before) he said: “Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save that you should become angels or immortals.”
And he (Shaitan) swore by Allah to them both (saying): “Verily I am one of the sincere well-wishers for you both.” (Surah Al-A’raf 7:19-21)
These verses from the Qur’an reminds me of what the character of Satan said in the Movie Devil’s Advocate: “(God is) a sadist! I’M a fan of man!”
Isn’t it very clear from the verses of the Qur’an, that the arrogant Shaitan who refused to bow down to Adam, then tried to deceive Adam and Hawa into thinking that he was in fact doing them a favor, being a good ‘friend’ by ‘revealing’ to them ‘the secret’ God kept from them?
Eventhough the ‘bogus’ starts in this episode, I hope many of the viewers out there would still keep an open mind, enough to watch and digest more information in upcoming episodes
*Important: Please note the geographical and historical significance of Palestine in the arrival of the anti-Christ. Why is Palestine so significant? Follow this documentary series or read up about it, you will know!
Two Quranic verses are presented, plus a history of the Knights Templar and a description of the Illuminati without mentioning their name.
To fully capture the significance of the Quranic verse(s) presented in this episode, viewers need to delay any judgment or prejudice. In fact, most if not all information such as these (“Truth”) need to be absorbed slowly, with personal motivation to embark on independent research and reflection and if applicable, experiment, before finally accepting it as the undeniable truth. A process I dare say is not very common in any educational institution nowadays or anywhere else, for that matter.
Something not very ‘fun’ and entertaining for today’s society. How would most people react to statements such as this:“From the shadows, they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you read, and everything you see.”It would seem as if they were in a movie.
It’s too ‘bogus’ for real life.The ‘bogus’ starts in this episode. I am saying it this way not because I believe it to be bogus, but because it will definitely seem like bogus to many. In all the stories passed down to us, there have been none as irresistible as the battle between good and evil.
From fairy tales (Snow White vs. Evil Queen), to contemporary literature (Peter Pan vs. Captain Hook), to basically everything else. But because we have been repetitively fed with them as fiction and entertainment, we treat and view them as entertainment and even when it is presented as truth, we skeptically brush them off as bogus and nonsense, AND actually revel the lies and deception presented as truth!It is arguable though, that in real life (as opposed to ‘reel life’) ‘good’ and ‘bad’ is subjective.
Nobody is pure good or pure evil, as characters are sometimes portrayed in fairy tales, books, movies, etc. However, nobody should deny that there is one purely evil creature; and that is the Devil or Shaitan. And it is this arrogant creature full of hatred and schemes, which tries to blur the clear distinction between good and bad by mixing a bit of both, and other similar schemes.
“And O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in Paradise, and eat thereof as you both wish, but approach not this tree otherwise you both will be of the Zalimun (unjust and wrong-doers).”
“Then Shaitan whispered suggestions to them both in order to uncover hat which was hidden from them of their private parts (before) he said: “Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save that you should become angels or immortals.”
And he (Shaitan) swore by Allah to them both (saying): “Verily I am one of the sincere well-wishers for you both.” (Surah Al-A’raf 7:19-21)
These verses from the Qur’an reminds me of what the character of Satan said in the Movie Devil’s Advocate: “(God is) a sadist! I’M a fan of man!”
Isn’t it very clear from the verses of the Qur’an, that the arrogant Shaitan who refused to bow down to Adam, then tried to deceive Adam and Hawa into thinking that he was in fact doing them a favor, being a good ‘friend’ by ‘revealing’ to them ‘the secret’ God kept from them?
Eventhough the ‘bogus’ starts in this episode, I hope many of the viewers out there would still keep an open mind, enough to watch and digest more information in upcoming episodes
Summary and commentary of The Arrivals (Intro)
Part 1 (intro)
The introduction of this very ‘heavy’ topic can be said to be quite interesting; by creating interest as to why instead of rolling out a red carpet (as the norm is for welcoming important guests), a checkered carpet is ‘prepared’ instead. As a whole, this introduction is a very brief but substantial beginning to the series.
First and foremost, viewers must prepare themselves not to expect a lot of original/professional shooting. Though this series may seem amateurish to some due to the fact that it imports most of its content from images, films, advertisements, TV programs pictures etc, viewers must keep in mind that it is not meant for entertainment purposes; it is meant to educate.
The insertion of a hadith by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w may turn off, confuse or upset some viewers, but it is nonetheless crucial to the subject matter.One personal style of the producer is evident from even the introduction: images are repeated to emphasize a point.
Personally, I do not find it strange that many people would not be interested in this series’ subject matter: The arrival of the anti-Christ. He doesn’t act, sing, perform, win awards or make girls swoon. However, to discuss such a ‘serious’ topic or any ‘serious’ topic for that matter, seems to be almost a taboo in today’s world of stress and work load burden and boredom, especially since a majority of people’s philosophy seems to be this: I am working only because it helps me to survive. Working is a mechanism of survival, it is not pleasurable, therefore; outside of working; I am interested only in ‘de-stressing’ or entertainment.
How sad that life is lived for merely such a goal. It is not wrong to work to survive: but we are created for more meaningful reasons than just ‘enjoy life after working’ and ‘survive by unpleasant working’. Nor am I saying that it is wrong to enjoy life and be happy. But my point is simple; besides working and enjoying life and being happy; we are created with a more meaningful and bigger purpose.
The producers of this series lightly highlighted this perception towards life in succeeding episodes, very much in connection to the preparation for arrival of the antichrist. I feel compelled to add that though amateurish in terms of production, this series deals with a very important issue relevant to every human being and deserves praise for their effort in creating awareness. The subject matter explained in the series aims to make the viewers reflect, ponder, think and most importantly indulge in independent research in order to believe in the truth.
The introduction of this very ‘heavy’ topic can be said to be quite interesting; by creating interest as to why instead of rolling out a red carpet (as the norm is for welcoming important guests), a checkered carpet is ‘prepared’ instead. As a whole, this introduction is a very brief but substantial beginning to the series.
First and foremost, viewers must prepare themselves not to expect a lot of original/professional shooting. Though this series may seem amateurish to some due to the fact that it imports most of its content from images, films, advertisements, TV programs pictures etc, viewers must keep in mind that it is not meant for entertainment purposes; it is meant to educate.
The insertion of a hadith by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w may turn off, confuse or upset some viewers, but it is nonetheless crucial to the subject matter.One personal style of the producer is evident from even the introduction: images are repeated to emphasize a point.
Personally, I do not find it strange that many people would not be interested in this series’ subject matter: The arrival of the anti-Christ. He doesn’t act, sing, perform, win awards or make girls swoon. However, to discuss such a ‘serious’ topic or any ‘serious’ topic for that matter, seems to be almost a taboo in today’s world of stress and work load burden and boredom, especially since a majority of people’s philosophy seems to be this: I am working only because it helps me to survive. Working is a mechanism of survival, it is not pleasurable, therefore; outside of working; I am interested only in ‘de-stressing’ or entertainment.
How sad that life is lived for merely such a goal. It is not wrong to work to survive: but we are created for more meaningful reasons than just ‘enjoy life after working’ and ‘survive by unpleasant working’. Nor am I saying that it is wrong to enjoy life and be happy. But my point is simple; besides working and enjoying life and being happy; we are created with a more meaningful and bigger purpose.
The producers of this series lightly highlighted this perception towards life in succeeding episodes, very much in connection to the preparation for arrival of the antichrist. I feel compelled to add that though amateurish in terms of production, this series deals with a very important issue relevant to every human being and deserves praise for their effort in creating awareness. The subject matter explained in the series aims to make the viewers reflect, ponder, think and most importantly indulge in independent research in order to believe in the truth.
Be responsible for your birth-ing choices
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shall we dance? taken from: |
Mothers and Fathers, be responsible and take back the responsibility for your own birthing experience (decisions). You are responsible for it as you are for your own health. By reading up, doing research, taking up childbirth classes, nobody is asking you to become a doctor. This is because everyone is intellectual enough to learn just enough to be responsible for their own body.
The Malays say, "Nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih" which carries the meaning of saying, if you want something, you'll work out 1001 ways to get it, but if you don't want something, you'll make 1001 excuses!
I believe the mind is a great gift of great capacity; do not waste it by feeding it on junk food.
And this journey towards taking back the responsibility starts by being confident that pregnancy is not an illness or a disease, and, birthing is not an abnormality your body is incapable of performing; birthing is not a freak of nature.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tell the Truth
Be truthful and consistent when offering rewards and cautioning with punishments |
(This hadeeth quoted here is not in verbatim form)
Rasulullah -shallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said when there was a mother who asked her child to come by saying there's dates for her child: are you really going to give her? the mother answered yes. and He said: you better, if not you are lying. (Hadeeth Abu Dawud, Shahih Al Albani)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Kekasih Yang Jauh
(The language of my 'core' is English. Allah understands me just fine. Allahu Akbar.)
And sometimes in my attempt to speak 100% Malay, I tend to use very formal words and end up feeling embarassed for having done so. @_@
Well, here goes an attempt to translate my own work. Original english masterpiece is at this link.
"Kekasih Yang Jauh"
Kejauhan kadang-kala membajai kerinduan;
Dan harapanku ialah cintamu padaku berdiri dalam cintamu kepada Allah:
Oleh itu cintamu kepada Nya akan merubah dirimu kepada cahaya kebaikan, kerana,
Kerana kamu cinta kan Allah!
Kerana kamu mahu patuh kepada Nya dan mahu redha Nya,
Kamu mengejar redha Nya dengan usaha menjadi suami yang baik,
Kerana Allah suka pada suami yang baik.
Ketiadaan dan kejauhan,
adalah baik.
Ia bagai perhentian rehat dan rawat.
(untuk diriku) Meneliti, membaiki, memperbaharui.
Perhentian yang belum dapat di fahami (oleh dirimu)
menjadi keperluanku.
Dalam kesibukan dan kepantasan, malahan dalam titik titik perlahan berjalan nya kehidupan,
aku yang merasa tersepit perlu terbang mencari ruang
ruang menghela sebuah nafas
ruang memandang dari kejauhan
ruang sebuah usaha pembaikan,
(untuk diri ku)
Aku berharap pada Allah agar kau di beri kefahaman.
Kerana aku gagal memberi nya pada mu.
Aku ingin cintaku kepadamu berdiri dalam cinta ku kepada Allah.
Engkau adalah pemberian Allah kepada aku.
Aku mahu berbuat sebagai isteri, kerana aku cinta kan Allah.
alangkah baiknya jika percutian atau perhentian aku ini,
mendapat redha Allah dan redha mu.
Kerana Allah suka pada isteri yang baik.
Siapa diriku?
Aku seorang yang pelupa, tergesa-gesa, kurang sabar, dan pemarah,
Aku sering lupa untuk percaya pada janji-janji Allah, malahan mungkin tidak mahu percaya!
Lupa untuk sabar, tidak mahu bersabar!
Dengan itu memilih untuk kecewa!
Itu lah peranan ruang itu: Ruang rawat dan rehat
agar aku akan kembali PILIH untuk bersabar
dan pilih untuk percaya pada janji-janji Allah,
bahawa Allah tidak akan mensia-siakan kesabaranku dan pilihan ku.
Untuk menjadi isteri yang Allah redhai.
Pilihan itu ialah sebuah pilihan yang patut aku buat setiap kali dan setiap hari aku berbuat (sesuatu)
dan aku sering lupa.
Terjemahan & penambahan di buat pada Jun 2011
Karya asal dalam bahasa inggeris pada Januari 2011 (link)
And sometimes in my attempt to speak 100% Malay, I tend to use very formal words and end up feeling embarassed for having done so. @_@
Well, here goes an attempt to translate my own work. Original english masterpiece is at this link.
satu petang di bulan januari |
"Kekasih Yang Jauh"
Kejauhan kadang-kala membajai kerinduan;
Dan harapanku ialah cintamu padaku berdiri dalam cintamu kepada Allah:
Oleh itu cintamu kepada Nya akan merubah dirimu kepada cahaya kebaikan, kerana,
Kerana kamu cinta kan Allah!
Kerana kamu mahu patuh kepada Nya dan mahu redha Nya,
Kamu mengejar redha Nya dengan usaha menjadi suami yang baik,
Kerana Allah suka pada suami yang baik.
Ketiadaan dan kejauhan,
adalah baik.
Ia bagai perhentian rehat dan rawat.
(untuk diriku) Meneliti, membaiki, memperbaharui.
Perhentian yang belum dapat di fahami (oleh dirimu)
menjadi keperluanku.
Dalam kesibukan dan kepantasan, malahan dalam titik titik perlahan berjalan nya kehidupan,
aku yang merasa tersepit perlu terbang mencari ruang
ruang menghela sebuah nafas
ruang memandang dari kejauhan
ruang sebuah usaha pembaikan,
(untuk diri ku)
Aku berharap pada Allah agar kau di beri kefahaman.
Kerana aku gagal memberi nya pada mu.
Aku ingin cintaku kepadamu berdiri dalam cinta ku kepada Allah.
Engkau adalah pemberian Allah kepada aku.
Aku mahu berbuat sebagai isteri, kerana aku cinta kan Allah.
alangkah baiknya jika percutian atau perhentian aku ini,
mendapat redha Allah dan redha mu.
Kerana Allah suka pada isteri yang baik.
Siapa diriku?
Aku seorang yang pelupa, tergesa-gesa, kurang sabar, dan pemarah,
Aku sering lupa untuk percaya pada janji-janji Allah, malahan mungkin tidak mahu percaya!
Lupa untuk sabar, tidak mahu bersabar!
Dengan itu memilih untuk kecewa!
Itu lah peranan ruang itu: Ruang rawat dan rehat
agar aku akan kembali PILIH untuk bersabar
dan pilih untuk percaya pada janji-janji Allah,
bahawa Allah tidak akan mensia-siakan kesabaranku dan pilihan ku.
Untuk menjadi isteri yang Allah redhai.
Pilihan itu ialah sebuah pilihan yang patut aku buat setiap kali dan setiap hari aku berbuat (sesuatu)
dan aku sering lupa.
Terjemahan & penambahan di buat pada Jun 2011
Karya asal dalam bahasa inggeris pada Januari 2011 (link)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Muslim School: Parents
Excerpt taken from:
The word discipline means to teach and not to punish, sadly parents confuse the two terms giving discipline a negative connotation. Discipline teaches children how to behave sensibly and responsibly. It is a mistaken belief that the only way to discipline children is to punish them.
Special Reminders for myself:
10. Reward and Praise.
Reward, awards or any form of recognition coupled with praise is a very powerful way of promoting good behaviour and character. We see this recurring theme in the Qur’an. Allah describes the rewards of Jannah and praises those who do well in this world. Rewards such as, stickers, walks to the park and a chance to cook with mom in the kitchen etc. are great incentives.
Also, reminding them about the greater reward, they will get from Allah SWT. It’s important to constantly attach their hearts to Allah. Do not praise too much, its best to praise them for a specific thing they have done. For example, “May Allah rewards you for helping mommy with the dishes this evening”.
9. Turn your dont's to dos.
Reframe your discipline vocabulary. For example, instead of saying, “Bilaal stop jumping on the sofa”, say, “It will be a good idea if you sat on the sofa, Bilaal”. In this way, you’re telling your child what to do instead of constantly telling him what not to do. Moms focus on what you want your child to do and not on things you do not want them to do.
5. Do not label your child.
Separate the child from the act let the child know that you are not upset with them but with the bad behaviour. Only use punishment for serious misbehaviour. Otherwise, it could lead to fear and the child becoming rebellious. It’s crucial that your child knows that you still love them no matter what; now mommy is just not happy with their behaviour.
4. Consistently keep to your consequences.
One key to positive discipline is to follow through with consequences for misbehaviour. One of the best ways to deter your child from acting up is to show her you mean business when it comes to consequences – if she thinks you’re a soft touch or pushover she won’t have any incentive to stick to the boundaries you set.
3. Avoid getting emotional.
Stay in control and act with logic. Then, your words will start earning respect. For instance, when my kids start a car fight, I use to yell, threaten and scream out of anger. Then I learnt one thing, I tell them I will pull the car over and we will continue our journey when they stop. When they realise you mean it they will stop. It will take a few attempts but it works as long as you remain consistent and firm. . You will be showing your kids that you mean what you say and you say what you mean.
1. Discipline wisely.
“When disciplining, don’t talk, act!” —Nick Wiltz,
Imagine telling your child he has 5 minutes to brush his teeth and get to bed. 10 minutes later, you call out, “Are you in bed yet?” Your child answers from the bathroom, “Almost!” 10 minutes later, you call out again, “Are you in bed yet?” Again, your child answers, “Almost!” 10 minutes later you call out, “Are you in bed yet?” For the third time his answer is, “Almost!” You start yelling, “If you don’t get in bed right now, I’ll come in there and spank you.” Within a flash, your child is in bed. What just happened?
Like Nick said, “Don’t talk, act!” Your child knows you won’t act until you’ve nagged 3 times. You follow through immediately when you want your child to do something, saying once and tell them the corresponding consequence.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Invasion of The Newborns
Thursday, June 16, 2011
On-going research about delaying reading skills
I am now interested on the topic of delaying the process of teaching children reading skills; so far I only have two resources:
Am looking for more!
What is 'attachment'?
Attachment from psychology today
"The emotional bond that typically forms between infant and caregiver, usually a parent, not only stimulates brain growth but affects personality development and lifelong ability to form stable relationships. Neuroscientists now believe that attachment is such a primal need that there are networks of neurons in the brain dedicated to it, and the process of forming lasting bonds is powered in part by the hormone oxytocin."
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