Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CBE study: Doctor vs Midwife for the Low Risk Mothers

refer: (article in Malay language) http://bm.harakahdaily.net/index.php/berita-utama/19615-tidak-logik-lagi-doktor-lelaki-sambut-bayi

Dr Zulkifli Al-Bakri, a renowned scholar in Malaysia, made a comment about birthing practices in Malaysia. His comment is somewhat proof of how birthing is automatically equated to (the assistance of) doctors (instead of midwives). Quoted from the online article:

"Saya sarankan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia supaya buat perubahan besar dalam kaedah perbidanan agar tidak membenarkan doktor lelaki menyambut kelahiran bayi sebaliknya ianya diuruskan oleh doktor wanita,"

 "I would like to make a recommendation to the Malaysian Government to initate a big change in methods of MIDWIFERY, to no longer allow male doctors to deliver babies but let it be handled by female doctors (only)"

The word that he used is "perbidanan" if the reported quoted him correctly. Bidan is a midwife, and perbidanan is midwifery. Where as obstretics and gynaecology is often translated into Malay as "Sakit Puan" or "Women-related ailments".

He is also quoted as saying:

"Masa kini tidak logik lagi sekiranya masalah sambut bayi tidak boleh diberikan tugasan kepada doktor wanita sepenuhnya sebab doktor wanita dah ramai di bahagian perbidanan,"

"Nowadays it is no longer logical that the task of delivering babies cannot be given to female doctors only because there is already a lot of female doctors in the field of MIDWIFERY".

Again, he uses the word midwifery or perbidanan.

Eventhough Dr Zulkifli Al-Bakri might have gotten his terms wrong because doctors and midwives (as well as medicine and midwifery) are two different professions altogether, but his opinion still holds water. Low risk mothers can clearly be attended by midwives ONLY.

Birth is a healthy, normal event.


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