Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A short one on Natural Birth

Image from this link (online bookstore)

(Excuse this need to express myself after reading some thumbs down reviews on Dr. Sears' Book which promotes natural birth on amazon)

Natural Birth, as in everything else in this world, has people for it and people who are somewhat not too keen about it. Well, I do agree that people have different pain thresholds BUT as a Muslim, I believe in:

1)The mind as a great gift and tool given to us by Allah. And that a lot of things in this world are often a problem or not (or in this case 'very horrifying or not') due to how we perceive something. And you must agree with me, that a person with the least ability to endure physical pain, sometimes is highly capable to endure emotional pain in certain situations, vice versa, etc. But to me, an important thing about being a Muslim is being knowledgeable, just enough to be able to make informed decisions. Making informed decisions means that we are not total idiots about the choices we make or the choices people make for us. When we have made at least some research or read up a little, then the harder it is for people to take advantage of our ignorance (i.e charge us more than they should for a certain product, make up spend more money than we should, etc) or in simple words, cheat or fool us.

2)But specifically speaking about childbirth, Allah has taught us in the Qur'an, ways to manage labor pain by telling us about the birth of Isa a.s. (Surah Maryam, verse 23-26) We just need to practice and prepare ourselves mentally and physically for it. For me, as a Muslim, there is no better motivation and encouragement than this lesson from the Qur'an.

3)Not everybody has the financial means to use expensive (often drug) pain relievers. And 'everybody' means A LOT of women from the middle and lower income group. Because in most countries, these income groups make up for the majority of the society. So when managing labor pain in a natural way is not promoted and campaigned, that means A LOT of women are often left to just suffer pain with absolutely NO COMFORT MEASURES AT ALL. And yes, this is awful since giving birth is welcoming a beautiful gift into the world. The pain can be managed, not suffered. Birth is a wonderful experience, because the pregnant woman is not sick. There is a little pain, yes, and life is about managing our pain(s). Though there are some "pains" that deserve to be erased totally (like certain dangerous criminals), but in birthing/giving birth, the pain is there for a good reason, and erasing it bring about some negative effects that parents should be able to make informed decisions about.

Disclaimer: I do not intend to make any mother feel bad for having being induced, an epidural, C-section or anything else less than a natural birth. I am just promoting what I believe in for its importance and goodness.

1 comment:

  1. Ummumusa,

    Selain dari practising with ball ada apa lagi tak jenis exercise yang boleh di pelajari? Walking or atau what kind of foods yang boleh bantu?



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