Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Musa's development: 25 months (2 years 1 month)

(Taken from 19-26 months)

check your own child's at babycenter.com's milestone charts (link)

  • uses a spoon and fork - only whenever he is allowed to, which is not most of the time. But he is better with his hands when eating nasi! (rice)
  • enjoys helping around the house - huh?! He throws a tantrum if he doesn't get to!
  • feeds a doll - occasionally. rarely does it.
  • takes off own clothes - pants, drypants, yes. top, not yet.
  • dumps an object in imitation - can imitate most things.
  • can walk up stairs - definitely. and downstairs.
  • able to set simple goals - simple?? I think they're hardly simple. He wants to do every little thing including opening his yogurt jar eventhough he can't yet and every other little thing like throwing away the yogurt jar. Again, he'll wail a 1000 decibels when we do it instead
  • kicks ball forward - done
  • follows two-step requests (take it, bring it here) - done
  • Name simple picture in a book - done
  • Names at least six body parts - hair, ears, nose, eyes, tongue, teeth, lips, belly button, bottoms, hands, feet, farajun. A while ago I taught him knees and toes. 
  • Half of speech is understandable - well, most of the time. Sometimes I still don't understand him and take a while to 'translate'.
  • makes two to three word sentences - Three words, yes, but sometimes I feel that there's more than three.
  • stacks (6) blocks - sometimes. we don't have stacking blocks at home to evaluate.
  • walks with smooth heel to toe motion - erk. maybe?
  •  does simple puzzles - definitely NOT! He either tears them apart or throws them
  • draws a straight line - drawing, maybe. straight lines? maybe not
  • open doors - yes
  • sings simple tunes - now more than ever
  • playing with other kids - not really
  • talks about self - yes, sometimes about others as well. More like describing what happened
  • arranges things in categories - Maybe not
  • uses pronouns - he uses names instead (Musa, Nenek, Ummi, etc)
  • washes and dries hands - see below

  • washes and dries hands with help - help?? he DOESN'T want help! (eventhough he's not good at something)
  • exploring genitals - yes
  • puts on loose fitting clothes - with a little help
  • understands opposites - not sure he understands them, but he can say them
  • asks 'why'? - not yet
  • begins to understand abstract concepts (sooner, later) - No! (though can be patient sometimes)
  • jumps - yes! (because his daddy skips on a skipping rope)
  • becomes attuned to gender differences - well I try to make him understand so that he will stop asking me to tie his hair!
  • speaks clearly most of the time - not yet
  • draws a vertical line - no

 Yes - 13
No - 0
Unsure - 2

 Yes - 4
No - 4
Unsure -1
 Yes - 5
No - 3
Unsure -2

This 'report' is for me to keep track of his developments, not to say he is a genius or slow or whatever and especially not to say he is better or not better than other children. He is just fine.

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