Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A five year-old questions

1. Why do women join women-only halaqah?
2. If we only join same-gender halaqah, then why do we marry the opposite gender when we grow up?
3. I want to marry zainab when i grow up (-_-")
4. Abu jahal (ialah) nabi apa?
5. Kenapa nabi juga ada isteri dan suami?
6. Allah ada mulut tak? Macamana Allah bercakap jika Allah tiada mulut?

Please share with me the questions your 5 year old asks you? :)

1 comment:

  1. GG ask me


    Uke ni

    Holding a 1.5 liter bottle full of water with a big smile


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