Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Friday, August 29, 2014

The war to win your mind

I watched the video posted at this link: http://themindunleashed.org/2014/06/brutally-honest-coca-cola-commercial-youll-never-see-television.html and penned these thoughts:

Besides all the physically bloody wars, there is another war - the war for your mind. The war over WHO you will choose to believe in. One party will say "believe me" and the other party will say "believe ME!". who do you choose to believe in? it's your choice, you're free to choose. this is one of the wars - over things like aspartame, whether or not it is harmful or not. this book will say yes, while that book will say no. it all depends on YOU. whatever you choose to believe in, at the end of the day, we cannot really impose our beliefs on others. we just share our beliefs, and respect other people.
EXCEPT -----when it comes to children directly born out of our wombs. Such children "hang" a rope over their parent's head the amanah Allah put in their parent's hands. children are pristine white sheets we can colour and design any colour and design we like, and every set of parent was and are entitled to mould their children's beliefs UNTIL the day these children are big enough to make their own.
Thus is the cycle. no blame-game and emotional abuse should be applied to any child or parent. we are all human. we are all imperfect. we all try our best. we all fail and try again. 

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