Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

5 Hormones Birthing Moms should know about (Edited)

(This excerpt is edited)

...In her book,Gentle birth, gentle mothering, internationally acclaimed birth expert Dr Sarah J. Buckley explains how epidurals or painkilling drugs and synthetic hormones (used during induction) interfere with some of the major hormones of labour and birth. The five major hormones:

1.oxytocin (hormones of love);
-this hormone is also secreted during sexual intercourse, also secreted when the uterus contracts. When we are 'induced", we are induced with ARTIFICIAL oxytocin and the way our body releases oxytocin is DIFFERENT compared to how artificial oxytocin called pitocin is 'released' into our body.Hence the reason people sometimes say being induced or augmented is 'harder' than natural sensations because the 'dosage' is different.

2.beta-endorphin (pleasure and transcendence);
-Allah has designed the female body 'hardware' in such a way that when oxytocin is released and starts the contractions, endorphins are released to help the mother cope. But the mother NEEDS TO BE AWARE OF THIS ('software') and NEEDS TO BALANCE between this NATURAL NARCOTIC with the following hormone:

3.the catecholamines or CAs,
-or in other words, 'stress hormones'. Birthing moms need the right balance between this hormone and the de-stresser hormones (see above) to give birth. She can achieve this by practising relaxation techniques before and during birthing.

4.epinephrine and norepinephrine (excitement); and

5. prolactin (tender mothering)
-This hormone is the reason why laboring before ANY kind of birth is important: to 'prep' the body for breastfeeding. Prolactin & oxytocin: the hormones for breastfeeding too!

This cocktail of hormones is also responsible for keeping the mother feeling fresh, awake and alert after birthing to aid initial breastfeeding, provided she alternated between resting and active birthing during (an especially long) stage 1 (and/or stage 2 and 3). Medical interventions are prone to disturb the release of these hormones (thus affecting the process of labor, breastfeeding, and sometimes even postpartum healing and mothering)

(All these hormones) form a "cocktail of hormones that nature prescribes to aid birthing mothers of all mammalian species"

Excerpt taken from this link:http://thestar.com.my/health/story.asp?file=%2F2010%2F11%2F14%2Fhealth%2F7385426&sec=health

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