Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 2

Summary and Comments for The Arrivals Episode 2

If this series was a lecture, the lesson begins from this episode and it starts with the chapter titled: Mind Control. It features several clips of George Carlin. It also features another clip as added narration on Mind Control, plus the rest are images to further emphasize and describe the tools used in Mind Control.

I would like to very much encourage viewers to embark on a personal/independent research on the information presented in this series. This is especially so if it is the first time they have been exposed to such information. Let it be known that all this information has been revealed and presented by various writers across the globe such as Sulaiman Nordin (Malaysia), Matthias Chang (Malaysia), etc.

In line with the subject matter of this episode, I would like to remind viewers not to be “distracted” by the hustle and bustle of working life and its “haven”: entertainment. The producers of this series has chosen a “unique” way of revealing how we have been programmed or moulded so that our lives are subjected to being a meaningless machine. Though “unique”, hopefully it is also very eloquent to describe the important points.

For this episode, George Carlin’s performance was featured to relate the points. George Carlin is a stand-up comedian. Isn’t it ironic that people listen to a stand-up comedian sputtering Truth, and laughing at it? Even the truth has to be entertaining, and even then, it still may not be taken seriously.

How so very true is God’s words that worldly life is nothing but brief entertainment:
“And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun. Will you not then understand?” Surah Al-An’am 6:32

To quote George Carlin from this episode, “I got this real moron thing I do, it’s called thinking”.

And how many times has Allah said in the Qur’an, “for those who reflect/think?”

Other quotes from this episode that deserve your attention are:

“They want obedient workers”

“Being in a prison cell where you can see the bars and touch it, the other one is sitting there in a prison cell and you can’t see the bars and you think you’re free.”

“The greatest hypnotist on planet earth is a small oblong box in the corner of the room”

“The threat of a free-thinking mind”

Some viewers may find the repetition of the Cosmopolitan magazine to be discriminating, but this is easily resolved by focusing on the message instead of the image.

Some questions to ponder upon:
  • Is it easy to accept that we actually have been conditioned to fit into a certain mould, as a selfish person with selfish goals wants it?
  • Is it easy to accept that there actually exists a group of elites which push and pulls the strings of all the things that goes into society in order to fashion society into a ‘machine’ that works solely for their benefit?
  • Is it very hard to believe? But even if we are able to believe it, are we able to make a paradigm shift and resist the way we have been conditioned and start anew, even if slowly?

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