Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Monday, August 31, 2015

Topic: Essential Oils Safety


1. Proper Dilution when using on children
2. Safer to rub diluted EO on their foot/ankles
3. Not taken internally for kids

Change your story


BrenĂ© Brown on How to Reckon with Emotion and Change Your Narrative
The most powerful stories may be the ones we tell ourselves, says BrenĂ© Brown. But beware—they're usually fiction.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Yes, I have been guilty of prejudice against my children. Do you know what prejudice against a child is?
It's treating a child with contempt, disgust, irritability, and other negative emotions akin to them, JUST BECAUSE.
Yes, 'Just because'
Seriously parenting has also taught me a lot about life and being muslim than anything else.
Children are PURER and more CLOSER to the CORRECT fitrah than most adults.
Children are not merely "bag of genes" of their parents.
Let me say that again.
If YOU are going to treat my child that way as I struggle to be NOT LIKE YOU, please BEWARE.
Sebab saya ada senjata DOAA.
Bukan sebab DOAA saya makbul sangat, I'm just as sinful as the next person.
Tapi yang penting saya pun manusia biasa, dan Allah tak tutup lagi pintu taubat untuk saya.
Speak with gentleness to my child, as I ALSO am learning to speak gently to them and to treat them with RESPECT and not CONTEMPT.
Yours Truly,
Al-Amirah Mokhtar

Hajj for kids

1. hajj map: https://islamicbulletinboards.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/hajjmapkidsbb.pdf

2. productive muslim hajj for kids: http://productivemuslim.com/hajj-for-kids/

3. blank activity page:
http://www.smartark.com/downloads/misc/hajjactivity3.pdf (blank cards)

4. day by day :https://islamicbulletinboards.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/hajjdaybydaybb.pdf

5. resources: http://ummmaimoonahrecords.blogspot.com/2012/10/hajj-resources.html

6. story of prophet ibrahim:http://islam4kids.com/i4k/downloads/pdf/STO_IBRAAHEEM_ACT.pdf

7. story of prophet ibrahim (no pix):http://islam4kids.com/i4k/downloads/pdf/STO_IBRAAHEEM.pdf

8. hajj for pre-k: http://amuslimchildisborn.blogspot.com/2012/10/hajj-theme-pack-prek-kindergarten.html

Thursday, August 27, 2015


This is what I call, the fitrah voice pulling the spirit back to Allah and Fitrah:



It is better for me to not have it all and say, I am nobody.
Than to have a drop, yet say I know much.

Soothing mechanism

i was thinking, to soothe myself hari tu, that mungkin sekali if i had had syeikha's racing track, maybe i won't be who i am today. maybe i would be worst. maybe i would be arrogant and simply loathful

Refuse and Replace

Whenever you can, refuse (and replace with your own, these items)

1. plastic water bottles (air mineral)
2. single-serve coffee pods
3. paper coffee cups (save them for arts and craft or for other uses)
4. tea bags (i know. but we can try, why not try first?)
5. disposable utensils
6. plastic bags
7. produce bags
8. menstrual products (for alternatives, click the link)


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Strange Fruit


Southern trees bear a strange fruit, 
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, 
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, 
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south, 
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, 
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh, 
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh.

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck, 
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck, 
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop, 
Here is a strange and bitter crop.

"Strange Fruit" sung by Billie Holiday, from a poem by Abel Meeropol

Saturday, August 22, 2015

post elak fitnah 2

(Update dari bulan Ramadhan)
Pengumuman ini bertujuan untuk MENGELAK FITNAH.
Tambahan bulan Zulqai'dah 1436:
Untuk mereka yang berminat dengan 'sebab', saya dengan LAPANG HATI atas SAUDARA SAYA dalam islam serta AYAH kepada anak-anak saya, Abu Musa Muhammad Saufy Rohmad, memberi 'sebab' kepada sekelian yang "curious", bahawa kami berpisah secara baik atas irreconcilable differences (Perbezaan yang tidak dapat di temui jalan tengah nya).
Peringatan 1:
Kita beragama islam, dan Tholaq di benar kan oleh Islam atas sebab-sebab yang di benarkan, oleh itu jangan lah bersikap seperti ia sesuatu yang HARAM seperti MEMINUM ARAK dan MEMBUNUH MANUSIA tanpa sebab yang benar.
Peringatan 2:
Para sahabat juga, malahan ada juga para nabi dan rasul yang bercerai. Contohnya satu-satunya sahabat nabi yang nama nya di sebutkan dalam Al-Qur'an iaitu Zaid Ibn Harithah, juga bercerai. Serta contoh dari kalangan Nabi pula ialah Nabi Ismail.
Wahai ahli-ahli BANGSAku, bangsa MELAYU yang beragama Islam, ubah lah pandangan mu kepada Tholaq!
Peringatan 3:
Doakan kami ya, agar mendapat tholaq yang "di berkati" dan "berkesan" bak Sayyidina Zaid Ibn Harithah dan Sayyidatina Zainab Binti Jahsyi.
Dan agar kedua belah keluarga kami juga menjadi berkesan dan focus kepada pendidikan yang baik buat dua orang pemimpin masa depan, iaitu Musa bin Muhammad Saufy Rohmad dan Zainab Bt Muhammad Saufy Rohmad.
Sempena bulan yang mulia ini, dengan ini saya mengumumkan penceraian saya dari Abu Musa Muhammad Saufy Rohmad. Kami telah selamat bercerai pada bulan JANUARY 2015 bersaksikan Allah dan hamba-hambanya Aisha Yunee Ryan, Nurul Izzah dan Ibu saya Hajjah Zainon Hamid di mahkamah shah alam. Alhamdulillah. Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
Alhamdulillah juga, saya telah selamat habis tempoh iddah dan kini menjalani kehidupan seorang single mother dan homeschooling entrepreneur di Melaka. Terima kasih kepada kakak-kakak dan sisters serta ikhwah yang telah membantu kami serta menghulurkan bantuan tanpa bertepi. Barakallahu fikum wa jazakumullahu khairan. Terima kasih kakak Maddielynn Hayse Mokhtar-Cavill, kakak Noor Azurah Anuar, ukhti Nurin Mazaya Zulkifli, ukhti Ummu Soleh Abu Zaki, kakak Nor Mohd, ukhti Farhana Liyana Humaira', dan ramai lagi yang tak ter-tag.

Post elak Fitnah

Pengumuman ini bertujuan untuk MENGELAK FITNAH.
Sempena bulan yang mulia ini, dengan ini saya mengumumkan penceraian saya dari Abu Musa Muhammad Saufy Rohmad. Kami telah selamat bercerai pada bulan JANUARY 2015 bersaksikan Allah dan hamba-hambanya Aisha Yunee RyanNurul Izzah dan Ibu saya Hajjah Zainon Hamid di mahkamah shah alam. Alhamdulillah. Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
Alhamdulillah juga, saya telah selamat habis tempoh iddah dan kini menjalani kehidupan seorang single mother dan homeschooling entrepreneur di Melaka. Terima kasih kepada kakak-kakak dan sisters serta ikhwah yang telah membantu kami serta menghulurkan bantuan tanpa bertepi. Barakallahu fikum wa jazakumullahu khairan. Terima kasih kakak Maddielynn Hayse Mokhtar-Cavill, kakak Noor Azurah Anuar, ukhti Nurin Mazaya Zulkifli, ukhti Ummu Soleh Abu Zaki, kakak Nor Mohd, ukhti Farhana Liyana Humaira', dan ramai lagi yang tak ter-tag.

Friday, August 21, 2015

To send to self and everyone else


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Speech Therapy 1: August

I would like to share with all of you the take-home advice from my son's first appointment with the speech therapist from the ENT Department today (GH Melaka). 

A little intro: 
My son M, is 7 years old and sometimes has a bit of a stuttering problem. He is a normal, talkative 7 year old. He can read and write, and my son is being home-schooled (out of choice). The therapist commented that M's mental/cognitive age is over 7 years old. 


Ways to encourage a child from stop stuttering:

1. Don't 'cut off' a child when he/she is speaking to you. This might kill of his train of thought and lead to miscellaneous negative speech-problems. 


2. When all of your children speak to you all at the same time:

2.1 Taking Turns

Demonstrate to each one (yes, including the small ones, like the 4 year olds) how does it feel like when more than one person is talking to you all at the same time. Therefore, they will soon learn to be patient and take turns to speak to you. NO, this will NOT happen instantly after the FIRST demo, and YES, you will have to remind them GENTLY, A LOT of times. 

2.1.2 The therapist reminded me about reminding the kids frequently that they need to take turns. She told me, "Remind them nicely. Be firm but gentle. When you are consistently patient, firm, and gentle, you will see results."


2.2 Adab

She also reminded me to patiently and firmly and gently teach speech adab to my children. It will take time, patience, firmness, and gentleness, but the result is priceless. Orang dewasa/ orang tua jadi contoh self-restraint, orang kecil /kanak-kanak akan ikut, inshaAllah.


2.3 Example of patience and self-restraint/self-control

Adults must demonstrate self-restraint when the smaller child is throwing a tantrum (i.e screaming) due to her developmental/ cognitive inability to accept that her older brother deserves a turn at speaking (to the parent/adult/etc) just as much as she does. Don't hit her, don't scold her, don't punish her. What to do? IGNORE her, THEN offer soothing emotional support when she has calmed down (and so have you). Please don't BRIBE her into being quiet.



(Abu Musa Muhammad Saufy Rohmad this is a very significant part):

3.1 Do NOT label the child "memang gagap" and other labels like "kurus macam cicak kobeng".

Translation: Doktor TIDAK BENARKAN orang tua meletakkan "Label negatif" pada anak-anak, termasuk panggilan seperti : 

"Kamu memang gagap kerana ayah kamu gagap" atau "Kamu kurus macam cicak kobeng kerana mak kamu memang kurus". 

Di minta agar sangat sensitif atas hal ini kerana anak saya M telah memaklumkan doktor atas isu "panggilan cicak kobeng" atas dirinya sewaktu saya tiada dalam bilik doktor. (M beritahu sendiri pada doktor ketika hanya M dan doktor berbual berdua).


4. Remind the (talkative but stuttering) child to:

4.1 stop (because he/she is stuttering)
4.2 take a breath, 
4.3 be calm before trying to speak again. 


5. Encourage **literate children to read aloud

Reading aloud helps a person to regulate their breathing pattern when speaking. Observe the child when he/she is reading aloud (and see if he/she manages to fit 7 words in a single breath). 

Encourage the child to read aloud by showing interest in their 'session' or 'story'. 

Offer generous verbal and bodily cues that YOU ARE listening to them, i.e :

-sit close beside them, 
-have your arm around them, 
-look at the book they are reading, 
-say "What happens next?", "Wow, did that really happen?", "What an amazing story!", etc, 
-allocate a special time for this DAILY, etc. 

(OBVIOUSLY this means your eyes and hands are not fixed onto a smartphone or TV Screen while this is happening)


Amirah Mokhtar.



**Literate: Those who can read and write

Monday, August 3, 2015

Selamat Datang, Tuan :)

The gates are open
Your item is ready for pick up
(come pick it up)
The ball is coming right at you
Swing your bat to launch the ball into its course in this life.

Pagar sudah di buka
Yang belum pernah bertandang
Musim telah menjelma
Tidak menjadi kesalahan untuk Tuan hadir
membawa tali
Untuk mithaq

Ia hiburan sementara
Di alam fana
meskipun sementara
Ada yang kekal

Semoga berjumpa juga
Kembali bersama semuanya
Di sana

Tetapi Tuan,
Pemilik Kebun ini (pemegang amanah)
Pemegang Amanah bilik-bilik bicara rahsia
(mungkin Tuan ada panggilan lain untuk nama itu)
Pemegang Amanah ini
Dengan penuh haya'
menjemput Tuan
ila mawsim fawakih fi jannati
(fi jannati faqod, laisa fi jannatuhu!)
Jika telah Tuan yakin
dengan musyawarah dan istikharah Tuan
Musim nya telah tiba
untuk mengangkat mithaq

InshaAllah 'Amatullah wa Mu'minah