Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Plastic Vegetables

Tonight went to kidzoona with the kids, after maghrib. I feel that for today's modern living, indoor playgrounds  can be quite a lifesaver due to how "convenient" long-distance travel have been made. 

Before I continue about plastic onions I found in kidzoona (which rather freaked me out), I just want to say- isn't it ironic that our "conveniences" only created MORE inconveniences which require more problem-solving? 

it's like a never ending chain of "problem -solving", which, if you think about it, is in fact a never ending chain of problem-creating. 

ah, c'est la vie. arrihlah fiddunya ha kadha. 

On to the plastic onions (actually they were garlic, but there were plastic onions too) that freaked me out. 

i sat there in kidzoona thinking, what has our intelligent progress done to us? 

We can have an endless debate on the pro and cons of "plastic replica toys"...

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