Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Memories in Turkey 1: Busy bags & kids

Busy bags are a MUST for travelling
though yes, i still believe in connecting with your kid while travelling too
like in the hadith "ya ghulam"
but sometimes you want some alone time to chat or listen to a talk or whatever
so got to have your ammo :)
I think I prefer a mixture of loose items and pre-planned activities
i would say it has to be a trial and error effort
to know what your kids like
but ofcourse other "ammo" includes snacks and even sweets too
because it was vacation so i "amended" our weekend-dessert thing
(sweets and desserts are for weekends only)
but i stick to sweets during selected time only
like...desperate times, lol
and after meals (EXCEPT breakfast and dinner - ofcourse except i'm highly desperate)
so here are some pictures

i had in my busy bag:
small toy cars
paper clips (steel)
several sticker books
magnet bars
mini paper cups
cut-up straws
and some other stuff i can't remember

never really played them on the plane since turkish airline has games (i stick to games instead of movies for the kids but i realized some has good animal documentaries)

but since we were in the bus a lot so the busy bags were helpful
also during meetings with announcements and sharing sessions

but that doesn't mean we don't have meltdowns and tantrums
but we have less of those, inshaAllah
but they're still there ofcourse
that is what life is all about :)
zainab with paper clips and magnet bar

musa chipped in to play too

them at a masjid :)

:) playing cops and robbers in aya sofia

zainab seems to love cups and loose items 

yes they do still play on the phone. that's perfectly all right

musa made a tank :)

i'm happy he liked fishing :)

nothing beats like old pen and paper for this boy

completely impromptu game in the restaurant. shooting toothpicks through a straw

musa was the one with the idea: malay/asian traditional "sumpit". we had to improvise and make targets so that they won't blow it at other people

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