Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Processing info: If anti-vaccine therefore pro-what?

Anti-vaccinations, therefore "its replacement" are the "natural vaccines" which (insofar) is through:
1. breastmilk through breastfeeding (Surah Al-Baqarah: 233)

"Bukti ilmiahnya apa? Silakan membaca pada link dibawah ini, bahwa dr Albert Sabin pada awal merintis percobaan vaksin polio – beliau menggunakan kolostrum manusia dan sapi sebagai obat. Jurnal ini menunjukkan bahwa hewan yang terinfeksi oleh polio, 84% sembuh dengan pemberian kolostrum.
http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/29/1/105.full.pdf+html "

taken from:

2. NATURAL "vaccinations" i.e "Tahnik" of newborn

"Tahnik dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah vaksinasi awal. Dalam mulut manusia dewasa terdapat bakteri yang sangat beragam. Bakteri-bakteri tersebut akan masuk dalam kurma yang telah dikunyah dalam dosis tertentu dan dimasukkan ke dalam mulut bayi. Dan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk introduksi atau vaksinasi yang telah kita kenal sekarang, yaitu memberikan sistem kekebalan yang bersifat aktif dalam tubuh anak. Vaksinasi zaman sekarang tentu dibolehkan selama cara dan tujuannya benar, serta tidak mengandung zat-zat yang diharamkan.
Ilmu kedokteran telah menetapkan faedah yang besar dari tahnik ini, yaitu memindahkan sebagian mikroba (bakteri) dalam usus untuk membantu pencernaan makanan. Namun sama saja, apakah yang disebutkan oleh ilmu kedokteran ini benar atau tidak benar, yang jelas tahnik adalah sunnah mustahab yang pasti dari Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, inilah pegangan kita bukan yang lainnya, dan tidak ada nash yang menerangkan hikmahnya. Perbedaan pendapat mengenai hikmahnya dikalangan ulama, sebagian mereka mengakui tidak ada satu pun dari mereka yang memiliki sandaran dalil syar’i. Dan Allah lah yang lebih tahu hikmahnya."

taken from: 

Study Log: Ingredient of Vaccine 1

taken from this link:


"Untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran garam alumunium dalam tubuh, silakan dibaca penelitian ini dimana garam alumunium yang disuntikkan kedalam tubuh seekor tikus memberikan kerusakan bahkan kehancuran dari sel setiap organ tikus tersebut. Dosis yang digunakan tentunya disesuaikan dengan tubuh tikus tersebut. Lalu bagaimana dengan tubuh seorang bayi yang dilakukan berulang kali?
Link terhadap penelitian alum atau garam alumunium bisa dibaca disini :
- http://therefusers.com/refusers-newsroom/aluminum-based-adjuvants-cause-cell-death-and-release-of-host-cell-dna/
- http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110717204910.htm
- http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v17/n8/full/nm.2403.html
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/21568886/
Link diatas hanyalah mengenai fakta akan bahaya garam alumunium yang digunakan sebagai bahan adjuvant di SEMUA vaksin"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We are created for a meaningful journey and destination

Note: The LAST LINE of this poem... Should jump out at you and deserve much reflection and soul-searching.

It's ok to forget it sometimes; we're all human after all. We're all learning, we all fail and pick ourselves up again. We all stumble into the dark once in a while, just to have our soul incessantly bug us that it is a communion with divine light that really gladdens and satisfies the thirst in our soul.

(this poem is sometimes credited to Kent M Keith)

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

-this version is credited to Mother Teresa

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ask questions, it's ok. Ask questions, it's important!

Some practices in areas in our life, be it medicine, formal education, cultural norms, etc are without proven evidence yet after being practiced for generations and generations, some have become etched in stone regardless of how obsolete or unproven it is.

The same is never true for Divine Revelation which stand true from the first time it was revealed till the end of this world. Other than Divine Revelation, of which I am allowed to ask questions when I do not understand, man-made rules are fully open to questioning, especially since it is highly susceptible to being deceptive.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Reflection: Arrogance will diminish station

Station; in nearness to Allah.

Want; Need; Desire; Regret,

Anxiety; Depression.

Magic; Power; Positivity.

Power, Magic! In His words-

Gratitude. Tears; gratitude.

Endless gratitude: for yet another chance after endless failures and try-agains.

Exhale. Relief.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reflection: Security is...

...letting all feelings of fear and anxiety go, after reasonable amount of (human) effort to ensure safety and security (read: no matter how far you go; there is limitation).

It's easy to say "alhamdulillah" when something goes right, but not really easy to perceive that all praise for the success of what happened truly was a decree/decision of Allah; success made possible only by Allah's permission :-(

And when it doesn't turn out alright? We say; it is never meant to be; we remember Allah and His power and control over us.

It's hard to be a truly good servant, with a heart in true awe and remembrance of Allah when everything is all good and joyous, isn't it? Or is it?

I let go of all fear and anxiety; after having done the reasonable amount of human research and effort to ensure safety and security (in this world), I let go of all my fears and anxiety. Any (good or) bad which befall me is temporary; I will never be at a loss (forever), in fact, I will never be at a loss; for Allah has my back and will always protect me from all deception, lies, schemes, etc. I am never at any loss, if I put my trust in Him.

Whatever loss and calamity which befall me; doesn't (shouldn't) affect my eternity. I should not let it affect my eternity. I am never at a loss, because Allah has my back.

Dear Heart, please be strong and trust Allah. Please work hard, and trust Allah. What have you got to lose.....? Except that which is temporary and slight and if it escapes you, then it was never meant to stay that long with you anyway; with Allah there are eternal fragrant roses; and sweets and sights to delight the eyes.

Reflection; 1431-1433

The new lunar year is 1433, this year i will be 31 in dzul-qai'dah. (In the Gregorian calendar, I am 29 in 2011 thus 30 in 2012)

These recent years, have been... (paradox ahead) interesting. Clichè, i know, but... Original. No simpler but befitting word for it than that.

Recently I have been feeling as if; someone has been toying with the "curtains in my soul". How funny to think of it now, that i am using the eord word 'curtain', as that is the word I have used long, long ago, to desribe the recesses of my inner self; the folds of the skin of my onion...

Anyway, yes, there is a hand toying with my curtains; softly; gently, letting light into my dark room. The light is not intrusive; it is familiar; it is a long-lost friend.

Comrade; there you are. The musician, the song-writer; the poet; the sufi. Is that too much praise? Yes, it is.
