Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

On Forgiveness and Forgiving

Points for me to ponder:

1. Express the feelings: It needs to be expressed, to the perpetrator, or someone else, or on a piece of paper (write it out and burn it, rip it, destroy it)

2. Giving meaning to the experience, i.e it happened to make me a better, smarter, stronger person or to help other people using what happened to us.

3. Gaining Acceptance. Accepting the change, the different situation(s). It is like a bitter medicine. This resolves frustration and anxiety.

4. Rebuild Safety: ensure it does not happen again.

5. Let go: Don't keep bringing it up. It's not about the person who did it to you. It's between you and Allah, and there is no much great rewards for forgiving. The emotions will not come up again.

Other benefits of Forgiving:
  • Paradise! (hadeeth)
  • Healthier body (no headaches, backaches, ulcers) (result of forgiveness training)
  • More confident
  • Heals relationships
  • Less depression
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • We abuse ourself by dwelling in the incident! (replaying it in our mind)
  • Try to overlook
  • Don't nit-pick on people's short-comings

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mengenai Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris

Satu ketika dahulu; mereka jajah negara saya; tetapi mereka tidak jajah diri saya. Saya bercakap bahasa Inggeris bukan kerana saya memuliakan bahasa Inggeris, dan bukan juga kerana merendahkan bahasa ibunda saya. Nasionalisme tidak salah, tetapi jangan sampai lupa, Rasulullah s.a.w pun tidak berbahasa melayu, dan Islam menggalakkan kita belajar bahasa-bahasa lain. Merdeka!