Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Thoyyiban Food: healthy diet and body

To ensure a healthy diet and body is part of Muwasofat Muslim right :D

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy homemaking to me!

How to save space in the fridge and keep foods and fruits so that they will last longer and keep better :D

Untuk berjaya dalam hidup perlu ilmu :D

Orang mukmin adalah orang yang berilmu dan sihat :D

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Good reminder from solehah sister

Meeting with Dr Khairudin Yusof from Hospital Sungai Buloh (UiTM)

Seen here with his supervisees and Ann. And little zainab in a sling :)

A short comparison: Marital roles in Religion

I found this picture (pictured below, describing types of marriages) on facebook, but insofar have no knowledge of the authenticity of its references. I am not posting this to condemn, nor am i posting this to spread ill (about the Prophets, peace be upon them). In fact, if someone could look them up for me and tell me whether the references are true, i'd be very much grateful. My intention is in fact to just do a comparison as to how marital roles are described between the two religions (Islam and Christianity). But alas I am no scholar and have limited resources for research (into Christianity), and similiarly I am no great scholar/jurist of Islam either. But to spread Islam in incumbent on all Muslims therefore I will share what I know.

Please refer to the hadith in the picture, one out of many other religious texts which speaks positively about marital relationships and/or roles.

Please also refer to the excerpt of the Qur'an enclosed in this entry (which is about fasting in Ramadhan), which describes the marital relationship as being each other's "garments" (other translations uses "raiments", covers). Garments or clothing are used in everyday context to complete, offer a sense of security (to), protect, shield, adorn, beautify, etc a human being.

I feel that it describes it so definitively accurate as well as it being a very endearing analogy of a very intimate connection between two human beings.

Who could be more accurate than the Creator himself? :)

A good explanation on homeschooling

Reflection on (human) differences and uniqueness

As i studied about birth, i once came to the confident conclusion that every birth for each individual birth for an individual, is DIFFERENT. Even if it will have the same pattern; that is the uniqueness in diversity. It will differ to another person's birth at least if not to another birth (of the same mother).

And this is because of how minutely unique one body is to another.

Subhanallah! No verbose birth activist arguments today, only Praises, Praises and Unending Praise for the one and only God, the Most Merciful, the Supreme Creator, Allah.

Rahmat yang jarang ku syukuri

Alhamdulillah balik dari tarawikh bersama suami, mendapati anak-anak dan mertua selamat dalam perlindungan dan rahmat Allah. Terima kasih Ya Allah untuk peluang bersama mereka lagi dan belajar lagi menjadi ibu dan anak yang muslim dan muslih.

Friday, July 27, 2012

How is your soul today?

For me to think about

Adakah keadaan sangat darurat sekarang?

Adakah keadaan sangat darurat sekarang, sampai kita sanggup titiskan DNA khinzir dalam mulut anak kita?

Short and so true!

Good reminder: Before and After Nikah

Especially for those in "Baitud dakwah". As Pak Cah once said, "Keluarga bukan dakwah "juga" ("tambahan"), keluarga IALAH dakwah!"

Bukan salah ibu mengandung!

Masyarakat melayu kita gemar menyalahkan ibu mengandung. Sebagai contoh, jika bayi baru lahir sering menangis, mungkin akan ada suara-suara sumbang yang berkata "sebab dulu semasa hamil, ibunya suka menangis".

Membentuk peribadi anak samada dalam atau di luar kandungan adalah tanggungjawab AYAH dan ibu. Dalam al-qur'an sendiri, peranan AYAH di tekankan dengan ada nya kisah seperti perbualan Luqman bersama anaknya.

Oleh itu, wahai bangsaku, keluar lah dari kegelapan dan kemurungan jahiliah pemikiran kuno dan buruk ke arah cahaya yang cantik, bersih dan melegakan!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tadabbur Kalamullah with Zauji

When death was near for Ya'kub, it was not about his wealth (or other worldly matters) which he asked about to his children. But he wanted to know, how clean and pure was their Aqidah.

Thank you sweetheart for sharing this with me :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Do companies really care about us?

Or are they more concerned on making money BY APPEARING like they put utmost importance of our best interests ?


Are you really happy?

Points to ponder


Check diriku (check dirimu sendiri)

Be better; not bitter

Bitterness will show no matter how much you conceal it. Sooner or later the face of truth always makes an appearance, whether ugly or beautiful.

The soul is eternal

... Therefore do we 'feed' it right for its earthly journey?

Or do we feed it with unhealthy food til it becomes sick?

Only the heart deep within the soul needs to answer that to itself. You are answerable to no one but your own soul and Allah on the Day of Judgement. People will only try to help, but if you refuse help, it is only o your own loss. Answer to your own soul.

*buat diriku yang mudah lupa*

Fear resonates; should responsibility is not fulfilled correctly

On food and healthy living

Inshaallah slowly but surely on my way to learning about low pesticide, organically grown (non genetically modified), low preservatives, low chemical or chemically-treated food (fruits, veggies and others) and household products. And then making the change in not just buying healthier alternatives, but also growing and rearing (the) healthier alternative(s). Slowly but surely.

In quest and search for mardhatillah.

Panduan hidup muslim..

A bad bout of cough and flu

...hence the learning about neti pots :)

"For safety's sake, avoid adopting a homemade neti pot from any container that's been used to store liquid that's toxic or just plain harsh. Plastic is particularly notorious for hanging onto scents and residue, especially if the liquid is strong and potent."

Taken from:

What's a neti pot? Do Google it up :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Perlindungan dari Allah

Pagi ini kami semua dapat bangun dalam keadaan sihat, (walaupun Ummi sedikit runny nose dan sore throat, dan Musa sedikit batuk-batuk, namun masih sangat sihat) dan kami semua telah di rahmati dengan tidur yang selesa dan perlindungan Allah malam tadi.. Syukur atas nikmat dan perlindungan yang sering diriku terlepas pandang apa lagi untuk di syukuri...