Looking at the sky makes me want to cry coz do I ever try to fly high enough to reach You?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Study: Threefolds of Darkness

 ... He creates you stage by stage in your mothers' wombs in threefold darkness. That is Allah, your Lord. Sovereignty is His. There is no god but Him. So what has made you deviate? (Qur'an, Az-zumar chapter 39: verse 6)

Fold Number One: Lateral abdominal wall: 
link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdomen

In itself three layers of muscles as mentioned in this link (excerpt below) http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/scientific_57.html

The lateral abdominal wall comprises three layers: the external oblique, the internal oblique, and transverses abdominis muscles.

Fold Number Two: Womb
link:  http://health.howstuffworks.com/sexual-health/female-reproductive-system/uterus-dictionary.htm
link: http://books.google.com.my/books?id=5iYCOR33aM8C&pg=PA248&lpg=PA248&dq=longitudinal+muscle+of+the+uterus&source=bl&ots=ojkrQexcyX&sig=Nzh-6AkcThy2ZDnzf29zTnm01uM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=YE4uUb7NLYaHrAfh2IGIBQ&ved=0CE4Q6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=longitudinal%20muscle%20of%20the%20uterus&f=false

In itself is composed of three special, amazing parts (refer to link above);
 the perimetrium (outer layer of the other two)
the myometrium, (the layer which contracts during birth and menstruation)
the endometrium. (where the fertilized ovum implants itself, see note for amniochorionic membrane)


To my amazement, the Myometrium ALSO consists of three layers! And these three layers are intertwined between circular, longitudinal, oblique (slanting/sloping) and transverse. Longitudinal and Oblique being the most abundant muscle fibers.

Fold Number Three: The amnio-chorionic membrane*
*otherwise known as the waterbag
link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decidua

Its three layers:
the amnion (the internal membrane around the fetus),
the chorion (the middle amnion layer)
the decidua (outer amnion layer) (Which has in itself another three layers!) link: http://prosono.ieasysite.com/obg-notes_placenta_membranes.pdf

Note: Placenta contains a layer of the decidua. The placenta has two sides  - the maternal surface and the (smooth) fetal surface. About the placenta: http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Placenta_-_Maternal_Decidua

In simple terms, the placenta is like a phone line for communication between mother and child. What comes from the mother is processed and sent to the child through the placenta.

One word:

Reflection: Technology for Weather & Birth

It was predicted that it would rain today; from 2pm to 6pm. I fell asleep at around 1.30pm and woke up again at around 4.15pm and the sun was shining with no indications of having rained.

I just want to say, when trying to decide whether to put the clothes out under the sun or under a shade or not (when drying them), I rely heavily on the weather app.

Sometimes it's pretty accurate, sometimes it isn't. With all of the very up-to-date technology of today, what is your expectation on weather prediction? I would suppose that one would say, today's technology would prove to be very advanced and futuristic, very accurate, very reliable and very scientific. Yes?


The more we feel we have in our hands the latest, most accurate and most reliable machinery to solve our problems, the more we must rely on Allah. Allahu Akbar. Time to pray now. This is an interesting reflection (for me to continue to ponder upon). Inshaallah will continue later.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reflection: Marriage between Medical Procedures and Natural Birth

Is a marriage possible between Modern Medical Procedures for Labor and Birth and the Traditional Outlook on Labor and Birth?

On one side of Birth, most probably known as THE (modern, up-to-date, safe) way to birth is:
  1. - to have routine/monthly check ups, 
  2. - monitored and tested and precautions taken to ensure the 'safest' and 'most healthiest' pregnancy, labor and birth for mother and baby
  3. - admitted into the hospital upon finding a possible threat to mother or baby, i.e maternal health issues, fetus' developmental issues, etc
  4. - given adequate, 'safe' procedures to 'monitor and save their lives'; and to let them have the best possible birth and post-birth experience i.e vaginal exams, enemas, CTG/EFM, induction, augmentation, labor pain management (Epidural, Pethidine, Entonox, etc), cesarean section.
  5. - as emphasized, are a list of (routine) procedures done with the best interest of the mother and fetus at heart; as solutions to mortality of mother or infant in the (traditional) past practices

On another side of Birth, sometimes known as Natural Birth, is;
  1. - sometimes having different definitions; to each her own definition
  2. - bringing forward the negative side of what is known as the routine, 'safe' medical procedures
  3. - attributes its knowledge to ancient wisdom of the old (traditional, cultural, folk, etc)
  4. - sometimes also known as Gentle Birthing, Calm Birthing, and other terms like Birthing from Within, Childbirth without fear, etc
  5. - some parties say that the necessary cesarean is definitely of Gentle Birthing as well; mothers are treated with respect and kindness, helped to bond and breastfeed, etc.
In my observation; the first change from the patterns of pregnancy, labor and birth in history has taken a route from the traditional, natural (birth) path for several reasons:
  1. change of lifestyle, society, economy, industry, leading to a fear (or trauma) of childbirth in some people who demand for 'use of technology' in birth (twilight sleep, etc)
  2. change of lifestyle, society, economy, industry leading to less exposure to the traditional birth practices
  3. personal impacts on birthing trends (anecdotal info on the supine birthing position, the creation of the forceps, etc)

Ironically enough, some of the very result of these, though seemingly labelled as safe and as good intentions and innovations to SAVE the mother and baby, also causes trauma and fear of childbirth, leading to a turn-around to the original, traditional former birth practices in the era(s) before that.

How do we marry the best of both worlds?

We cannot throw out all the traditional practices of pregnancy, labor and birth of the old times - nor can we use all completely in these modern times and;

We cannot throw out all the modern medical procedures or pregnancy, labor and birth of today - nor can we use all completely (yes, we can't. Because everything has its pros and cons. And yes, that includes natural/gentle/calm birth)

So what do we do?

We learn about both, we sift through the infomation gathered. And choose the best ones to suit us. How? What guide do we use? How do we sift and how are we guided?

The answer is, be mindful of Allah's laws, be dutiful to Him, and ask Allah for guidance.

I believe we have the answer in Surah Al-Anfal (8: 29) and the Hadith below: (these two are just examples of many examples)

ABDLH.YUSUF ALI's translation: O ye who believe! if ye fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion (to judge between right and wrong), remove from you (all) evil (that may afflict) you, and forgive you: for Allah is the Lord of grace unbounded.

MUHD M.W.PICKTHALL's translation: O ye who believe! If ye keep your duty to Allah, He will give you discrimination (between right and wrong) and will rid you of your evil thoughts and deeds, and will forgive you. Allah is of Infinite Bounty.

M.H.SHAKIR's translation: O you who believe! If you are careful of (your duty to) Allah, He will grant you a distinction and do away with your evils and forgive you; and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.

Hadith Number 19 from Imam An-Nawawi's collection of 40 Hadith:

Abu al-‘Abbas ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas(ra) reported: One day I was behind the Prophet(saw)and he said to me:
O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice] : Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you (have need to) ask, ask of Allah; and if you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that even if the Nation (or the whole community) were to gather together to benefit you with something, they would not benefit you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with something, they would not be able to harm you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded against you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.
In a version other than that of al-Tirmidhi it reads:
..Be mindful of Allah, you will find Him before you. Get to know Allah in prosperity and He will know you in adversity. Know that what has passed you by was not going to befall you; and that what has befallen you was not going to pass you by. And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and ease with hardship.


The modern medical world has its merits and misgivings, and so does the traditional birth practices. Nothing is perfect in this temporary world, it is temporary. We feel hurt and discomfort, displeasure, sadness and grief, as do we also feel happiness and joy; but nothing lasts and endures.

All feelings subsides and only a few things remain eternal and true: Death is imminent and a natural transition of this Life. It isn't easy to accept the Death of a Loved one, but we do. While thinking of our own, makes us better beings and makes life so much more meaningful and purposeful. We make better choices because we know our purpose of life and that Death is a natural part of life. Wallahua'lam.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Furniture & Sunnah

Among topics which interests me is the usage of furniture and its effects on our body and health. How 'healthy' are the use of beds, chairs and tables? InshaAllah will have to study someday!

link: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/12254/12254-h/12254-h.htm (illustrated history of furniture)

Communal Living, Modern Day Living and Jemaah Islam

Just a short reflection.

Last Sunday I went to a Seminar for couples who have been married under 10 years. I didn't know anyone there. Well their faces are familiar but I don't know or can't remember their names. Yet we are a family under tarbiyah, Islam and mankind.

One part of it started to touch very lightly on using aspects of communal living through being a member of Jemaah Islam (in today's modern life). Interesting.

Recap of an old post:

Taken from: http://alliechee.blogspot.com/2012/10/a-midwife-doula-and-postpartum-help-for.html

"Ora na azu nwa, or It takes a village to raise a child, is a Nigerian Igbo proverb made popular by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s book published in 1996. Birthing and raising healthy happy children does require support, but we don’t live in villages. However, we can create our village"

Can Islam solve everything? Does Islam have a solution for challenges in modern day living?

Dari Kitab Tauhid, tulisan Syeikh Abdul Majid Aziz Az-Zindani

Sekali sekala terdapat sebahagian manusia bertanya Adakah undang-undang islam dapat melahirkan pemikiran baru dan mengeluarkan hukum tersendiri dan sesuai dengan tuntutan kehidupan moden hari ini?

Jawapannya ialah sistem Islam mengandungi segala persediaan dalaman untuk mengharungi kemajuan.
Bahkan kemampuannya untuk berkembang jauh mengatasi sistem-sistem lain. Masalah yang timbul bukanlah kerana ketiadaan wasilah dalam syariah Islam untuk berkembang, tetapi kerana tiada kecenderungan daripada pihak tertentu untuk melaksanakan syariat tersebut. Aku berpendapat bahawa adalah benar untuk aku katakan bahawa syariat Islam mengandungi semua asas-asas penting untuk mencapai kebangkitan dan kemajuan.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reflection: Death: Another Door

As two become one, one exits one door
Enters another.

Searches for another door, enters it
Multiplies; rests, till it exits a door.

(The soul exits from the source; and is placed into its temporary shell)

Then comes a myriad of doors;
Exiting and entering.

But there are a few vital doors left;
Death and the resurrection.
The journey ends when there are no more doors left to open.

End of exiting and entering.
End of transitions.
Final resting place.
No more doors.

No more doors.
Is it a sin to life that we shall remember the door of death?
Not at all.
It makes us responsible and it makes the journey full of value
To bring meaning; to the next;
More lasting one.

No matter how far away and mythical it seems

But it gives so much meaning to existence
This disliked door!
Scary, no doubt.
But to see beyond eyesight is essential
For we feel so many things we can't see
And we need the unseen
The Unseen

Because The Unseen provides, and provides a way to live
For which without; we wouldn't know how to live
Alhamdulillah for the Absolute Genius

Letter to the Unborn: Who will you be?

Letter dated 8th May 2008 (4 months before birth)

I’ve forgotten about you this few days, but you’re always there in the back of my mind. Always there, kicking me whenever you feel like it, to make sure I acknowledge your presence. You. You will become so meaningful to me. Because you were alive in my womb. Isn’t it interesting how Allah has created the female body, capable of bearing another human being inside it? Yet the power to sustain it lies in Allah’s hand alone.

Will you like me best, or your father best? Will you cry a lot? Would you dislike having your clothes opened, would you dislike taking a bath? Would you eat the food I make for you? Would you turn your head towards a sound? Would you try to grab a toy?

Will you love Allah and Rasulullah? Will you be able to speak Arabic fluently? Will you be a good Muslim, Musa, Ya Bunayya Habibi Qurrota a’ini…?

Letter to the Unborn: Black and White

Letter dated 21 February 2007

Dear Musa or Maryam,
I’m sorry I don’t talk to you that much. I never thought I’d feel awkward or shy to talk to you now that you’re here. You’re such a…unbelievably new, clean, pristine person. While I am old, dirty, and jaded. I feel very shy to speak to you because you’re so clean and new. I feel very…undeserving. I’m sure you can hear me talk to so many people but yourself, please don’t be hurt. It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you; I don’t know what to say; I’m so old and dirty, I’ve been in this world too long. Where as you, you are yet to be born. Now do I understand why people write about unborn babies; the old against the new; the clean against the jaded. I feel too dirty, too undeserving to talk to you. please don’t feel hurt, Musa or Maryam. I love you anyway, and I will do my best to assure that you get the tarbiyyah that you need in this world. I’m so sorry, baby, your mother is old and jaded; the world has left me old and jaded, but I love you anyway, Musa or Maryam, please forgive me.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reflection: UC

Assalamua'laikum my sister,
I was caught off guard when you asked me to become your doula. Never did it cross my mind that you would.

Actually what I find most bizarre is the fact that two years ago, it was the exact opposite. But you never replied my email. Now i'm unsure you ever received it. Perhaps you really didn't.

But so it is; I was thinking of who I would like to be with me during my chosen path through birth; and you came to mind.

And today; here you are.

Sometimes I think about my decision over and over again. I wanted to believe; or I believed, but as everyone else tends to feel, I too felt a certain unease. I tried to make it as "medically safe" as I could. I tried to make my UC a non-UC. But in the end it was a UC.

Tonight I try to think again; why did I choose such a road, what seemed most motivating? I can only recall desperation to feel respected. And fear. Fear of the result of being disappointed. And vulnerability. So these three emotions led me to my UC. Or did it?


Your sister in faith.

Reflection: Wasted Time

Time that I wasted could never be reclaimed
It's no use crying over spilt milk
The here and now is as precious as Gold
The near future requires action
Requires memory

Do it
Wake up
Do it
Fill it
Complete it
Finish it
Time will leave you
Death will overcome you
The Hereafter will greet you
And what would you say you have done?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Reflection: Guidance, patience, answers

I have always been a person who demands answers. And sometimes I do such notoriety to Allah, even. Au'zubillahi minash shaitannir rajim. (I seek protection from Allah from the accursed shaitan!)

Today I met an ustazah to help advice me on Istikharah and making decisions. Her advice was; we layman do not get confirmed wahyu as similiarly to Rasulullah s.a.w. (therefore musyawarah, make a choice, and continue istikharah)

Nor can we force and demand Allah for an answer.

5 years after the birth of my first born, 8 years of marriage, I am still learning about how to become a more patient person.

Life is difficult (M. scott peck). Life is where you are tested, and you are given a free will to choose your roads (guidance, or deviation) and so do as you please.

May we choose to follow guidance from Allah, straight to Him. Ameen.

Reflection: Doing wrong and blaming Allah

Have you ever met somebody who says, "I have not done so and so good because I have not received Hidayah (guidance) / a sign / a reaction from Allah"? (Differs slightly from "I am not as good as so and so person"). Or, "I have done so or I am doing so because THIS is the will of Allah".

Guidance, or Hidayah is EVERYWHERE. It is even inside of you, and me. A little voice we choose to recognise- or not.

It is our free will to choose; and there are pre-destined occasions; and there are tests to test our faith and submission to Allah.

If we do wrong, or follow the wrong way, could we attribute it to Allah? Why should we? Why do we treat Allah like a game; "Try and make me (become) good while I do these things against what You ask of me". Is it befitting for us to behave towards our Creator in such a way?

I have had qualms and trouble to understand verses which say; Allah leads astray whom He wills and Guides whom He wills, i.e an-Nahl: 93, Fatir: 8.

The thing is, anything becomes contorted when you take them out of context. The Qur'an also states; that Allah is never, NEVER oppressive, unfair, unjust. Allah is not (au'zubillah) a foolish bully.

One is guided when he chooses to SEEK guidance and follows it. One is lead astray when he chooses to seek deviation and follows it. Man is given a free will to choose. You get what you look for.

May we seek guidance and thus Allah will then accept our effort and endow us with more guidance and Light from Him, ameen.

Qur'anic Birthing matters: Frequent attribute to Allah

Your Birthing (powerful) abilities are sourced and gifted from Allah so thank Allah and attribute it to Allah. Why shouldn't we frequently mention that the amazing abilities to birth (and gestate, etc) are amazing miracles so intelligently planned and crafted by Allah?